О стереотипах в кино

Вчера смотрел последнюю серию Lie to me, там Лайтман вымучивал из себя книгу на новеньком макбуке, параллельно расследуя некое происшествие на конкурсе красоты. Вымучивал он книжку на протяжении всей серии, а под конец показали кадр, в котором он сидит за ноутом с виндовс и упоённо строчит текст новой книжки.

«Сядь за венду, займись делом.» © popular stereotype

Tell me, Sodexo, tell me, Accor, where those unused 7 mln € go each year?

Even Metro can be source of insightful information. Look, 1.4 mln belgians get luncheon vouchers, 0.35% of luncheon vouchers stay unused, so how much do the distribution companies pocket each year on these unused luncheon vouchers?

1.4 mln people * 6€ *22 days *11 months * 0.35% = 7 114 800 € per year

And what if Fedis is right and 5% of luncheon vouchers get unused? Then, Sodexo and Accor would make a whopping 100 mln per year out of the holes in our pockets!

Controversial popularity of Belgian music and films

«When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said in a rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less». © Lewis Carroll

Check out that article from Metro. Seems like the text was written by the Belgian anti-piracy association, and the title — by a Metro editor who tried to please the public by indicating that some still like belgian music and movies.

Now, do the numbers given in the article make any sense to you? What would have changed if they were divided by 100 or multiplied by 1000?
