A quote from the SysML 1.1 specification
A composite requirement may state that the system shall do A and B and C, which can be decomposed into the child requirements that the system shall do A, the system shall do B, and the system shall do C.
A composite requirement may state that the system shall do A and B and C, which can be decomposed into the child requirements that the system shall do A, the system shall do B, and the system shall do C.
I just received offline spam from Fedict in the form of a letter without any postage marks and with the text on the envelope stating:
"An important message from the government".
The letter contained an invitation to buy a bundle of a PC with 12 months of free internet access for 422 EUR.
Update: Apparently, the same letter was distributed (not sent by post, but carried to the postbox by a spam delivery company) to a big share if not all belgian residents.
Читаю книжку Фейнмана What Do You Care What Other People Think? Он там упоминает, что не смог поступить в Колумбийский университет из-за квоты на евреев. Интересно, как там сейчас с дискриминацией евреев.
In the book Java Modelling in Color with UML, the authors argue that it is better to color-code UML diagrams instead of just using plain black and white conventional diagrams. They explore this topic in detail on 214 pages.
Look at the summary of ISO activities.
Being one of the youngest, JTC1 it is by far the most prolific ISO committee that spit over a total of 2268 standards for Information Technology, leaving far behind the TC34 with 749 standards for Food Products and TC22 with 715 standards for Road Vehicles.
And as if this was not enough, JTC1 has 620 standards in the pipe, waiting to be published.
Here, the poll is hardcoded at node/38566 and the patch applies to index.php in the root of Drupal installation.
Tested on Drupal 6.14, but shall work on many other versions as well.
--- index-original.php 2007-12-26 09:46:48.000000000 +0100 +++ index.php 2009-11-23 16:12:11.000000000 +0100 @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ } elseif (isset($return)) { // Print any value (including an empty string) except NULL or undefined: + global $user; + $result = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT nid FROM {poll_votes} WHERE nid = 38566 AND uid = %d', $user->uid)); + if ($user->uid > 0 && !$result && $_GET['q'] != 'node/38566') { + drupal_goto('node/38566', NULL, NULL, 301); + } + print theme('page', $return); }
There are three types of positions in an organizational hierarchy:
Note that only the middle managers communicate both with the top management and with the employees and workers. In a traditional enterprise, the communication is oriented top-down, with middle management only detailing and passing on the orders.
In IT, as probably in the other hi-tech industries, bottom-up communication is of a paramount importance as the problems arrive unexpected and are sometimes not only difficult to overcome, but even difficult to explain. However, managers are still evaluated mostly on their abilities to manage subordinates, not on the ability to channel information to the top management, guiding and orienting corporate decision-making.
My brief manager's career ended partly because my company could not avoid the usual problems of software development, the problems that I knew about, could forecast, but was unable to mitigate as they arrived, mostly because I could not guide the much less knowledgeable boss through the minefield of decision-making without hurting his ego.
A manager that can not influence the decisions of the boss is only a half-manager, I now see clearly which half I was. Being aware of this handicap in advance could have helped me. Reading this post and applying it to your situation will probably help you.
Был я сегодня на бизнес-тусовке в одной из брюссельских дискотек, взял бутылочку пива, послушал презентации бельгийских веб-стартапов. Все идеи вторичные. Сами посмотрите:
Я не удержался, задал каверзный вопрос Babelway, получил удовольствие, хотя ответ был далёк от совершенства. Потом завязал серьёзный разговор с неким бизнесменом, который одновременно активист партии ProBruxsel. Миллиона на три разговор, между прочим, за мной средних размеров компания, готовая эти миллионы успешно освоить. И тут он мне заявляет, что у меня изо рта плохо пахнет. Я разговор быстро свернул, но задумался:
Want to know what BI is but were always afraid to ask?
Here is a use case that covers 90% of Business Intelligence software use in the real world.
Imagine an Excel table containing banking transactions that you exported from your online banking system.
Once they are exported, you may be tempted to construct pivot tables, to view e.g.
All of these pivot tables will be constructed for you in a matter of seconds, or even milliseconds.
Unfortunately, the construction of pivot tables does not scale up. A bank manager trying to construct a pivot table to identify the most debiting accounts or to identify the accounts performing most of transactions over a month is likely to wait many hours until his pivot tables are calculated. This is because the amount of transactions he is analyzing is likely to be in the hundreds of thousands, and more. He will also try to lump together much more information by adding columns with addresses, information on insurance policies of account holders, etc, thus growing the table to tens, sometimes even hundreds of columns, aggravating the performance issue.