The Worst Kind of Programmer

After 25 years of my career I came to understand that one particular type of programmers is the source of many problems in our industry. Here is the story of a project that was nearly destroyed by two such programmers. One of them was leading frontend development, the other – backend. While the rest of the team was slacking off because business requirements were in the works, these two chaps were working hard.
The frontend lead bootstrapped an Angular mono-repository with NX, Rx and other trendy technologies of the moment. The corporate environment did not lend itself easily to NX, but he pushed hard to solve or circumvent infrastructure problems by working with the domain expert. He set up a workflow that, while having Angular as the base framework, bore little resemblance to the official Angular tutorials.
The backend lead was no less motivated to bootstrap the Spring Boot project according to the corporate guidelines while adding a bit of a personal touch in the form of the Vavr library and a highly sophisticated hierarchy of JPA entities with multiple levels of inheritance, discriminators and generators. He then sprinkled it over with a hierarchy of validators based on both Spring Bean Validation and a third-party validation framework and polished with a trendy testing framework.
The rest of the team observed them in admiration.