React, Vue, Angular, etc., how to handle errors application wide?
Let's say I have application (no matter, what is on frontend).
Backend is just API.
There are many pages/forms. Every page/form requires some interaction with API.
Many errors can arise:
1. User is disconnected from network 2. User is not authenticated 3. API for some reason returns unexpected 500 codeIt is bad to code handling of these errors in every form and every page (because we want to notify user that something went wrong) so it must be done in one place.
In Vue, for example, I can setup http interceptor, which swallows disconnected network error and 500 errors and shows info to user.
But some things can be bad, like web app checks some API every N seconds, so every N seconds it will show error (if network is disconnected).
Where can I read about web app architecture to remove code duplication like this?
Another thing, showing user that app is processing it's request
In React as I know I can make Redux store with something like
{ "loading": false }Then every page/form dispatches action, which makes loading = true, upon finishing request sets loading=false so in some top level component I can show loading spinner.
Where to read about such cases?
How to bind class to a div based on some conditions using Vuejs?
Actually, I need to activate the background color of a div based on the specific value given by the user. So I have done something like this. And don't know how to go further.
<div v-bind:class="[{active1: r_id === 1},{active2: r_id === 2},{active3: r_id === 3},{active4: r_id === 4},{active5: r_id === 5}]" > Mycard </div>and my css part is:
active1{background:red;} active2{background:black;} active3{background:green;} active4{background:yellow;} active5{background:white;}So how should I go on using Vuejs?
Change laravel variable on every page using vue.js
I have navbar like this:
<nav class="navbar"> <p style="text-align: center; color: white;">{{ @$test}}</p> </nav>And my page looks like:
<body class=""> <div id="app"> <div class=""> @include('navbar') @yield('content') <- here another components </div> </div> </body>How to change that @$test laravel variable using vue.js?
Axios not passing headers on requests
I'm building a VueJS application and I'm using JSON web tokens as my auth system. When I log the user, I store the token with localStorage and works fine. I check the headers and it's in the 'Authorization' param.
I pass with axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = localStorage.getItem('token')
I see the headers and it's okay. But when I execute a get request to an protected route in my API, return 'unauthorized'. But when I pass the header with token manually in the request, works fine.
Somebody know how to pass the header automatically when executing some request?
Vue instance inside another Vue instance
I’m integrating Vue with a CMS called AEM thats works basically as component base system like Vue works too. But instead of having a webpack and imports of .vue files, every component on this CMS is a new Vue instance (new Vue({…})). So on my page I have a lot of Veu instances that communicate with each other using the same store (vuex).
This is actually working fine, but I have a scenario when I need a CMS component inside another. Since both this components are a unique vue instance and the “el” property from the parent includes the “el” from the child, the child component doesn’t work.
I know that this is not the expected use of this lib, but is there any way that I can tell or share the same “context” on both vue instances or even another approach for this scenario.
Thx, Alexandre.
Many Vue projects, one node_modules
I'm making a new project. I have one server application (Node, Express, Mongo) and I'm having two client application (both are VueJS). I want this structure (I want only one node_modules directory):
- client --- admin (vue project) --- page (vue project) - server --- server.js - node_modules - package.jsonI server app works fine, but I have problems with VueJS. I created new project with vue-cli, remove node_modules and package.json. All dependencies I have in main node_modules. I had error:
These relative modules were not found: * ./build/dev-client in multi ./build/dev-client ./src/main.js * ./src/main.js in multi ./build/dev-client ./src/main.jsBut I resolved this by changing paths in webpack.base.conf from this:
entry: { app: './src/main.js' },to this:
entry: { app: './client/admin/src/main.js' },and in from this:
Object.keys(baseWebpackConfig.entry).forEach(function (name) { baseWebpackConfig.entry[name] = ['./build/dev-client'].concat(baseWebpackConfig.entry[name]) })to this:
Object.keys(baseWebpackConfig.entry).forEach(function (name) { baseWebpackConfig.entry[name] = ['./client/admin/build/dev-client'].concat(baseWebpackConfig.entry[name]) })Project is now running but now I have this error:
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors errorand I don't know how to fix it. Please help
Mozilla and the Washington Post Are Reinventing Online Comments
Digital journalism has revolutionized how we engage with the news, from the lightning speed at which it’s delivered to different formats on offer.
But the comments section beneath that journalism? It’s… broken. Trolls, harassment, enmity and abuse undermine meaningful discussion and push many people away. Many major newsrooms are removing their comments. Many new sites are launching without them.
Instead, newsrooms are directing interaction and engagement to social media. As a result, tools are limited, giant corporations control the data, and news organizations cannot build a direct relationship with their audience.
At Mozilla, we’re not giving up on online comments. We believe that engaging readers and building community around the news strengthens not just journalism, but also open society. We believe comments are a fundamental part of the decentralized web.
Mozilla has been researching, testing, and building software in this area since 2015. Today, our work is taking a huge step forward as the Washington Post integrates Talk — Mozilla’s open-source commenting platform — across
Talk is currently deployed across the Washington Post’s Politics, Business, and The Switch (technology) sections, and will roll out to more sections in the coming weeks.
What is Talk?Talk is developed by The Coral Project, a Mozilla creation that builds open-source tools to make digital journalism more inclusive and more engaging, both for audience members and journalists. Starting this summer, Talk will also be integrated across Fairfax Media’s websites in Australia, including the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. One of The Coral Project’s other tools, Ask, is currently being used by 13 newsrooms, including the Miami Herald, Univision, and PBS Frontline.
“Trust in journalism relies on building effective relationships with your audience,” says Andrew Losowsky, project lead of The Coral Project. “Talk rethinks how moderation, comment display and conversation can function on news websites. It encourages more meaningful interactions between journalists and the people they serve.”
“Talk is informed by a huge amount of research into online communities,” Losowsky adds. “We’ve commissioned academic studies and held workshops around the world to find out what works, and also published guides to help newsrooms change their strategies. We’ve interviewed more than 300 people from 150 newsrooms in 30 countries, talking to frequent commenters, people who never comment, and even trolls. We’ve learned how to turn comments — which have so much potential — into a productive space for everyone.”
“Commenters and comment viewers are among the most loyal readers The Washington Post has,” said Greg Barber, The Post’s director of newsroom product. “Through our work with Mozilla, The New York Times, and the Knight Foundation in The Coral Project, we’ve invested in a set of tools that will help us better serve them, powering fruitful discussion and debate for years to come.”
The Coral Project was created thanks to a generous grant from the Knight Foundation and is currently funded by the Democracy Fund, the Rita Allen Foundation, and Mozilla. It also offers hosting and consulting services for newsrooms who need support in running their software.
Here’s what makes Talk differentIt’s filled with features that improve interactions, including functions that show the best comments first, ignore specific users, find great commenters, give badges to staff members, filter out unreliable flaggers, and offer a range of audience reactions.
You own your data. Unlike the most popular systems, every organization using Talk runs its own version of the software, and keeps its own data. Talk doesn’t contain any tracking, or digital surveillance. This is great for journalistic integrity, good for privacy, and important for the internet.
It’s fast. Talk is small — about 300kb — and lightweight. Only a small number of comments initially load, to keep the page load low. New comments and reactions update instantaneously.
It’s flexible. Talk uses a plugin architecture, so each newsroom can make their comments act in a different way. Plugins can be written by third parties — the Washington Post has already written and open sourced several — and applied within the embed code, in order to change the functionality for particularly difficult topics.
It’s easy to moderate. Based on feedback from moderators at 12 different companies, we’ve created a simple moderation system with keyboard shortcuts and a feature-rich configuration.
It’s great for technologists. Talk is fully extensible with a RESTful and Graph API, and a plugin architecture that includes webhooks. The CSS is also fully customizable.
It’s 100% free. The code is public and available for you to download and run. And if you want us to help you host or integrate Talk into your site, we offer paid services that support the project.
Learn more about The Coral Project.
The post Mozilla and the Washington Post Are Reinventing Online Comments appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Fuzzy search required for searching nested objects using feathers-vuex?
I am using feathers-vuex in a project and am not very familiar with the rest of the feathers package. I am using this is because with the scaffolding cli, it was very easy to get started and it just works. Has been a really good experience so far. However, this also means that I do not entirely get what's going on under the hood. I am trying to use the find function to retrieve all records where a nested array contains a certain string from a mongodb. The questions are as follows:
- So far, the only option that I can think of is a fuzzy search. Is that the way to do it? Or are there other possibilities?
- Is my assumption that fuzzy search won't work because of the absence of hooks correct? Or have I misread the docs?
- Any other general way of accomplishing this?
- Does this mean that fuzzy search will not work using feathers-vuex or are there ways to accomplish this?
Vuex, what is the best practice for asynchronous calls
I'm discovering Vuex at this time and I have came across the concepts of Actions which should be used instead of Mutations if it is about asynchronous code.
But, I have this question, would it better to make all the asynchronous logic in the action itself or do the asynchronous login in the component and just commit Mutations in the then call?
In other words, is this code considered best practice in the Vuex realm or I just need to move the API call to a state Action?
Communicating variable in vue.js between components
I am building app using laravel and vue. I have navbar, currently it looks like:
<template> <nav class="navbar"> <p>{{msg}}</p> </nav> </template>And I use it like here:
<body class=""> <div id="app"> <div class=""> <navbar></navbar> @yield('content') </div> </div> </body>In yield I am loading another components, so I have navbar and another component together. Now I want to override that {{msg}} variable from navbar in another components. In every component that variable will be diferent.
I do not know how to override it in components and from {{msg}} do some text. Can you help me? (That code above is all what I have)
Vue table in one loop html
I have an array, with sizes of shoes and quantity each of them in shop, structure like this:
array = { 36=>1, 37=>0, 38=>5, 39=>2 }In my table key in this table ( here 36, 37 ... ) are TH, and value is TD. I can't do this in one loop. I tried like this:
<table class="table"> <tr> <th v-for="(quantity, key) in productSizes" :key='key'>{{key}}</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Here should be quantity for each size<td> </tr> </table>Is there a possibility to do this at once?
Here is structure how it should look like ( there is an input, because someone can change quantity ).
evnetbus listen to $on can't be executed vue js
i try to use eventbus to send and get data from different components .icreate a global variable eventbus and in each component when i ant to send data to a specific component i write this
eventBus.$emit('dis',this.displaytype);and in this specific component i write:
eventBus.$on('dis', function (snippet) { this.displaydis = snippet console.log('display: ', this.displaydis) }.bind(this));i write it in created hook but the problem this one is not executed can any one help me ?
How to get the user after login in VueJS
I use both axios and vue-resource in a project. Because I started with vue-resource and on post didn't work, I used axios for post in the login.
I'm new to vuejs and I don't know how to get the user after login. Loggin is a component and in the header, that is another component I want to put the name of that user that is logged in.
How to get that user after login in the Header component?
Login method in Login component
login() {'', this.user) .then ( (response) => { AuthPlugin.getToken(; alertify.success("Success! You are now logged in."); this.$http.get("/user", this.user) .then((response) => { this.$router.push('/home'); }) }) .catch(function (error) { alertify.error('Invalid User'); }); }The Header component where I want to put the user logged in
<div class="dropdown dropdown-navbar-btn-wrapper"> <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="ti-user"></i> The Login User <i class="ti-angle-down"></i> </button> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">My account</a> <a class="dropdown-item logout-btn" href="#" @click.prevent="logout"><i class="ti-power-off"></i> Log out</a> </div> </div>Vue with TypeScript without components
I encountered with problem when develop application. I use Vue + Vuetify with typescript, but I don't want to create SPA application or use webpack for work with .vue components, I need to create several page, where I create each times new Vue instance. But when I create for example
import * as Vue from 'Vue'; import axios from 'axios'; <any>window.vue = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { drawer: true, mini: false, totalItems: 0, items: [], headers: [, { text: 'Dessert (100g serving)', align: 'left', sortable: false, value: 'name' }, { text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' }, { text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' }, ], }, methods: { getData() { axios.get("") .then((response) => { this.$data["totalItems"] = 1; this.$data["items"] = [ { value: false, name: 'Frozen Yogurt', calories: 159, fat: 6.0, } ]; }) } }, mounted() { this.$options.methods["getData"].call("getData"); }, });My tsconfig.json
{ "compilerOptions": { "alwaysStrict": true, "noImplicitAny": false, "noEmitOnError": true, "removeComments": true, "sourceMap": false, "target": "es5", "moduleResolution": "node", "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "lib": [ "es2017", "dom", "dom.iterable" ] }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ], "compileOnSave": true }With typescript I can't use this.totalItems, this.items and I can't call this.getData() in mounted(), but when I debug in browser my code, I see that object "this" has all these properties and methods.
I use property $data["property"] name and $options.methods["methodName"] in order to work with it, but I understand that isn't correct approach. I read in Vue documentation about ComponentOptions which help to create interface or vue-class-component, but all these tools use components, which I want to avoid.
Can I use vue + typescript in this case? I'd appreciate tips to my question
Uncaught Error: [vuex] actions should be function but "actions.__esModule" is true
i am new in vue jsand i want to use vue boilerplate from
When i try to run this using command npm run dev it will generate one link ex:http://localhost:8080
When i run this link into browser, this error occurs and i am not able to do any thing
Please help me with this if any one know about it.
Vue.js unit tests error Module not found
I don't get it .. why my import is wrong ?
here is my project structure
project src components ... ... vuex actions.js getters.js mutation_types.js mutations.js store.js App.vue main.js test unit specs vuex mutations.spec.jsHere is my test spec file w the imports
// mutations.spec.js import mutations from 'src/vuex/mutations' import { ADD_SHOPPING_LIST } from 'src/vuex/mutation_types' is my package.json script
"scripts": { ... "unit": "cross-env BABEL_ENV=test karma start test/unit/karma.conf.js --single-run", ... },when I execute: npm run unit
I get MOdule not found
terminal cd project npm run unit ERROR in ./test/unit/specs/vuex/mutations.spec.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'src/vuex/mutations' in '/Users/myself/Developments/project/test/unit/specs/vuex'what's wrong ? isn't relative to the project directory ?
thanks for feedback
How to return some message to another component in vue.js?
I have navbar like this:
<template> <nav class="navbar"> <p style="color:white; text-align:center;">{{msg}}</p> </nav> </template>And I import it in all my pages (components). How to return {{msg}} on all pages? I mean something like:
msg: 'index'Year - Month Calendar plugin
Looking for recommendations on a calendar plugin for a Laravel project.
I would like the plugin to display months then when a user clicks the year it takes them back a step to a year selection, then clicking on a year takes you into the months for that year. Something like below, appearance is not important as I will customise this to match the application. Clicking on a month will display information relating to that month but again that will be done by myself, just need a good solution for the year/month selection.
how do i add 'enter-active-class' to 'transition' in custom directives
How do I add enter-active-class to transition in custom directives? now enter image description here
But this cannot satisfied with my request,I need define enter-active-class with custom directives,so I need your help,thanks!
Back - jQuery mobile and Vue
I have embedded a Vue component for a Activity Feed on a page inside a jQuery Mobile website.
The script loads 10 activities per request and adds them to the end of the list - triggered by scroll
If i click on a activity (for example "user added photo") it takes me to that user's profile. If I swipe back (on my phone) or hit back in browser it takes me back to the page and the feed reinitialises.
Any method for going back to the same state and to not being forced to load all the activities that were previously loaded and scroll to the specific one ?