
Vue js image selectable

Vuejs - Thu, 2017-09-07 00:25

I'm looking to make the img tag selectable. I mean to obtain a boolean value true/false if the photo it's selected or deselected. Any ideas?

<h2 class="headline mb-2 text-xs-center">Choose your hero:</h2> <v-layout row wrap primary-title v-for="hero in heroes" :key=""> <v-flex xs6> <v-avatar size="80px" class="grey lighten-1"> <img v-bind:src="`${hero.href}`" alt="avatar"> </v-avatar> </v-flex> <v-flex xs6 class="text-xs-right"> <v-subheader>{{}}€</v-subheader> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-card> </template> <script> export default { data: () => ({ bases: [{ id: 1, name: "Spiderman", href: "../../static/spiderman.jpg" }, { id: 2, name: "Batman", href: "../../static/batman.jpg" }] }) } </script>
Categories: Software

How can I pass Vuex data to app components as data?

Vuejs - Thu, 2017-09-07 00:13

I know that I can access state of the app from within the components in the app but that means the component is not universal/standalone and it relies on the parent's data/state structure and I think that is wrong.

So I am wondering if I can somehow pass a selected part of the state, that the component represents, to the component as it's data(props?) without the component knowing it comes for the parent state and when the data is updated by the component the app'đ state will reflect this.

So for example if my app's state has data with with 'fields' and each of its values represent a form text field I would build a loop for each of them to create input components and pass/connect data from this 'fields' item into the component. The comonent has no idea where the data comes from or that it represents only a small portion of the whole app. The component only handles the data in its own context.

Categories: Software

post request using axios on Laravel 5.5

Vuejs - Thu, 2017-09-07 00:03

i'm trying to make some requests using axios and the last Laravel version 5.5 after configure the X-CSRF fields and all my code is simple :'/post-contact',{name:'Kamal Abounaim'}) .then((response)=>{ console.log(response) }).catch((error)=>{ console.log( })

but i get this error : 419 (unknown status) what the problem supposed to be Thanks for answering

Categories: Software

vue.js Uncaught Error: No element option passed to Waypoint constructor

Vuejs - Thu, 2017-09-07 00:03

I try to use viewpoint and I Pass the values to my waypoint it send my this message: Uncaught Error: No element option passed to Waypoint constructor,I got my code like this:

in my view galeri.vue :

<template> <div class="play-top" id="final"> <iframe src="xxxxxxxxx" allowfullscreen autoplay="false"></iframe> </div> </template> <script> require('waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.min.js') var ele var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: ele = document.getElementById('final'), handler: function(direction) { if (direction == 'down') { $(ele).addClass('muestra') } else { $(ele).removeClass('muestra') } console.log(direction); } }); <script>

any idea what I am doing wrong

Categories: Software

Issue using waypoint with vue.js

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 22:23

I am using vue.js and I want to include waypoint in my example it works well this is the original:


<div id="final"> <h2>Mostar el mensaje al pasar por aqui</h2> </div>


var ele var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: ele = document.getElementById('final'), handler: function(direction) { if (direction == 'down') { $(ele).addClass('muestra') } else { $(ele).removeClass('muestra') } console.log(direction); } });


.muestra { position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 20px; }

now a try to use this code in vue.js but it send me this message in the console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Waypoint is not defined

any idea what I am doing wrong this time with vue thi is the code in vue.js like this


<template> <div id="final"> <h2>Mostar el mensaje al pasar por aqui</h2> </div> </template> <script> var ele var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: ele = document.getElementById('final'), handler: function(direction) { if (direction == 'down') { $(ele).addClass('muestra') } else { $(ele).removeClass('muestra') } console.log(direction); } }); </script>
Categories: Software

Resetting data when property of component change

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 22:17

I built a custom component to which I pass a property.

<template id="friend-component"> <div> {{friend}} <div style="color:red;">{{error}}</div> <br /> <input type="button" v-on:click="addFriend" /> </div> </template> <script> Vue.component('friend', { props: ['friend'], data: function(){ return { error: '' }; }, methods: { addFriend: function () { this.error = 'You already added this friend'; } } }); </script> <friend :friend="selectedFriend"></friend>

Then, everytime the parent change the "selectedFriend", I want the data in the child component to be deleted. In this case, it means to delete the error message.

How could I do it?

Note: I figured a way to do it by using a property to store the error instead of the data object. But, Vue is constantly reminding me that I should not modify property...

Mutating a prop locally is now considered an anti-pattern, e.g. declaring a prop and then setting this.myProp = 'someOtherValue' in the component. Due to the new rendering mechanism, whenever the parent component re-renders, the child component’s local changes will be overwritten. Source

Categories: Software

How to VueJS router-link active style

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 21:45

My page currently has Navigation.vue component. I want to make the each navigation hover and active. The 'hover' works but 'active' doesn't.

This is how Navigation.vue file looks like :

<template> <div> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg fixed-top row"> <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/" exact>TIME</router-link> <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/CNN" exact>CNN</router-link> <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/TechCrunch" exact>TechCrunch</router-link> <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/BBCSport" exact>BBC Sport</router-link> </nav> </div> </template>

And the following is the style.

<style> nav li:hover, nav li:active{ background-color: indianred; cursor: pointer; } </style>

This is how hover looks like now and expected exactly same on active. This is how hover looks like now and expected exactly same on active.

I would appreciate if you give me an advice for styling router-link active works. Thanks.

Categories: Software

Vue selectize, getting json data from option?

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 21:28

I'm using vue2-selectize to display list of options fetched from axios call:

<template> <selectize v-model="selected" :settings="settings"> <option v-for="option in options" :value=""> ({{ }}) - {{ option.description }} </option> </selectize> </template> <script> export default { props: ['old-value'], data() { return { selected: this.oldValue, options: [], settings: { preload: true, placeholder: "Search All Authors", dropdownParent: 'body', closeOnSelect: true, render: { option: function (data) { console.log(data); return '<div>' + data.displayName + '<div class="item-bio">' + + '</div>'; } }, load: async (query, callback) => { axios.get(route('api.showAllAuthors')).then(response => { this.options =; callback(); }) } }, } }, } </script>

The issue is that once you setup the <option> for the select you can only work with the two values it passes to the render function (text and value) and not the original object (whereas the actual <option> has access to this object).

The manual mentions the optional parameter of dataAttr available for <option> tags, but setting <option :data-data="option"> has no effect and I still can't access the original properties.

How can I access the original JSON attributes that the <option> is using in the render function?

Categories: Software

Send Params With Axios - VueJS

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 21:09

so I'm working with Axios in VueJS to send ajax requests. However I'm getting a bit of a problem when trying to send requests.

This is my JS code:'http://localhost/app/php/search.php', { query: //this should send the 'query' param }).then(response => { this.variable = }).catch(e => { this.errors.push(e) })

And this is the search.phpfile:

<?php require '../Functions.php'; $obj = new Functions(); $array = $obj->search($_POST['query']); echo json_encode(array_values($array)); ?>

And I'm getting the following error on the PHP side: Notice: Undefined index: query in /path/to/app/search.php on line 6

Any reason as to why this is happening? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Categories: Software

Transform DOM Elements into Vue.js Components

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 20:47

I am using a d3.js plugin to create a complex visualization in my Vue.js application. I would like to apply a custom vue directive to the elements that were added by the d3 plugin.
It looks like the $compile functionality that was deprecated in vue2 is what I am looking for.

How can I add dynamically change the elements in the dom to vue components?

Categories: Software

Good way to start up vagrant configuration as single-click app?

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 20:35

I use vagrant to configure different VirtualBoxes under Linux.

My goal is that any colleague of mine would just have to visit a intranet-site and choose the VirtualBox that he wants to have on his/her machine. After selecting one or multiple boxes he or she might just click onto "proceed with installation" so that the respective vagrant directory/ies with its Vagrantfile(s) is/are checked out and execution with vagrant up is triggered.

So I want to abstract as much as possible from the console and make it look state of the art / fancy.

What technologies should I use?

I thought of vue.js together with node.js? Would that be a viable approach to get to my goal?

Categories: Software

Vue js Shopping cart

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 20:25

i'm doing a shopping cart in this amazing tool called Vue js also with Vuetify. Right now i'm stacked because I don't know how to obtain the boolean value true/false and add the price to the amount value if it's true or remove the price if it's false. Does anyone have any suggestion or knows a cool resource to solve this kind of issues?

<v-container grid-list-md text-xs-center> <v-card class=""> <h2 class="headline mb-0">Extra ingredients:</h2> <v-layout row wrap class="text-xs-center" v-for="ingredient in ingredients" :key=""> <v-layout column> <v-flex xs6> <v-checkbox name="checkbox" color="light-blue lighten-2" v-bind:label="`${}`" v-model="ingredient.checked" light></v-checkbox> </v-flex> </v-layout> <v-layout column> <v-flex xs6> <v-subheader>{{ingredient.price}} €</v-subheader> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-layout> <v-divider></v-divider> <v-layout row wrap class="mb-3"> <v-flex xs6> <h3 class="headline mb-0">Total price:</h3> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-card> </v-layout> <script> export default { data: () => ({ checked1: '', ingredients: [{ id: 1, name: "cheese", price: 2, checked: '', }, { id: 2, name: "ham", price: 2.0, checked: '', }, { id: 3, name: "Bacon", price: 2.25, checked: '', }, { id: 4, name: "spinac", price: 1.6, checked: '', }, { id: 5, name: "extracheese", price: 2.5, checked: '', }, { id: 6, name: "pepper", price: 2.75, checked: '', }], }), computed: { total() { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.ingredients.length; i++) { total += this.ingredients[i].price; } return total; } }, methods: { addToCart(item){ amount = 0; if(ingredient.checked == true){ amount += ingredient.price; } else { amount -= ingredient.price; } } } } </script>
Categories: Software

vue-router this.$route object is always empty with single file components

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 20:01

I am using single file components with vue-router and vue-2.0 and I am having an issue I can't seem to be able to resolve. The this.$route object called from a component always returns empty values.


enter image description here


<template> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading">Post List</div> <div class="panel-body"> <li v-for="item in items"> {{ item.message }} </li> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { created() { console.log(this.$route); }, mounted() { console.log('Component mounted.') }, data() { return { items: [ {message: 'Foo'}, {message: 'Bar'} ] } }, } </script>


import Vue from 'vue'; import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import Messages from './components/Messages'; Vue.use(VueRouter); const routes = [ { path: '/user/get/:id', component: Messages}, ] const router = new VueRouter({ routes }) const app = new Vue({ router, el: '#app', components: { Messages } });

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Categories: Software

Vue.JS radio buttons remaining checked even after selecting a different radio button

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 19:26

this is my first time using Vue.JS so I apologize if the solution is simply and I'm just not seeing it. Here's a code snippet of what I have:

<div class="col-12" v-if="calendar.amenities"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="transportSelect" class="calendar__transport-label">{{$t("message.transportLabel")}}</label> <div id="transportSelect" class="form-group calendar__transport-list"> <div v-for="(amenity, amenityIndex) in calendar.amenities" class="calendar__transport-option" :key="amenityIndex"> <label> <input id="transportSelect" type="radio" :value="" v-model="value"> <span>{{amenity.description}}</span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div>

I'm trying to just get a simple radio buttons that allow user's to select one option, with the first option selected as default. Any help is much appreciated!

Categories: Software

Vue looping with modulus

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 19:16

How to do looping for each two data using modulus? In case I want to do a looping for every two data get a sequential class. Example :

I have 6 data :

  • Data A
  • Data B
  • Data C
  • Data D
  • Data E
  • Data F

So the final result I want to make is to give the class to each data with modulus every two data. I will have results :

  • Data A | Class 1
  • Data B | Class 1
  • Data C | Class 2
  • Data D | Class 2
  • Data E | Class 3
  • Data F | Class 3

The class name will always be increased using the counter if any new data is entered.

I have created the sample code below :

var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { items: [{"id": "111","nama": "George",},{"id": "222","nama": "Paul",},{"id": "333","nama": "Mira",},{"id": "444","nama": "Doms",},{"id": "555","nama": "Brian",},{"id": "666","nama": "Oscar",}] } }, methods: { computedClass(index) { defValue = 1 if (index % 2 === 1) { return "data_1" } } } }); .item { pading: 10px; } .data_1 { color: #FF0000; } .data_2 { color: #0000FF; } .data_3 { color: #00CC00; } <script src=""></script> <div id="app"> <div class="item" :class="computedClass(index)" v-for="(item, index) in items" >{{item.nama}}</div> </div>

but I am confused to do counter and modulus so that every two data I get the name of the class is also being incremented with counter.

In my code above, I can only do modulus of every second data. Not every two data. And I am confused to do class naming with counter

Can you help me. Thanks

Categories: Software

Hiding navigation component on main App.vue (Vue.js)

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 17:56

New to Vue.js .

I have a navigation component which is rendered in the main App.vue page. I don't want it to be shown on the first page.

I know I can use something along the lines of:

`navigation(v-if="this.$route.fullPath !== '/'")`

but where and how, inside export default? Are there any other files I have to alter (main.js / router.js)?

This is how I have the main App.vue page laid out at the minute:

enter image description here

I tried this, but it didn't work:

enter image description here

Categories: Software

is there minesweeper in vue.js examples?

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 17:54

i'm trying to find a good example of a minesweeper game built on Vue, i have tried searching on git hub and there are good examples out there, but in my project me and my peers are trying to build a grid game application built in Vue, and i'm only allowed 1 component to program in. so i'm wondering if there is an example of minesweeper built in one component, or maybe is there a way to convert minesweeper from a Javascript file to one Vue component?

Categories: Software

Call parent method from nested child in Vue

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 17:54

I scaffolded a project from vue-cli using the webpack template.

Now in the App component I created a bootstrap modal dialog, which I want to reuse from the entire application. Along with that I also created one method in the App component called showMessage which actually does the work of showing the modal.

Now considering that I should be able to reach that method from any component, is calling like what is shown below a bad idea?

this.$root.$children[0].showMessage('Message', `An email will be sent to ${}`)
Categories: Software

Querying Gremlin via WebSockets using the gremlin-javascript package locally

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 17:31

I'm attempting to use the gremlin-javascript client in browser.

I've downloaded and installed the Titan-Hadoop stack from Titan Graph Db's github. I've setup the Gremlin server to use the WebSocket Channelizer. Gremlins Host and Port are default "localhost" and "8182" respectively, and I can connect the Gremlin-Console to it. I've populated the server with the "GraphOfTheGods" Data and I can query the data using the gremlin-console. By switching gremlin-servers channelizer to the http variant I'm able to query the server in the browser via a url; E.g. localhost:8182?gremlin=100-1. My preference is to use WebSockets though so this configuration has been reset.

I want to be able to query the database from my Web Application. I've setup a Vue.js application using the full template. I have installed gremlin-javascript via npm and on a button click event the following code runs:

import { createClient, bindForClient } from 'Gremlin' export default class titanService { async query (name, callback) { const getByName = (name) => ({ gremlin: 'g.V().has("name", name)', bindings: { name } }) const client = createClient() const queries = bindForClient(client, { getByName }) const users = await queries.getByName('saturn') callback(users) } }

This fires off a GET request which subsequently collapses into a 400 error with the obvious response of "not a WebSocket handshake request: missing upgrade".

The GET request to localhost:8182/gremlin is wrong. Wrong protocol. Wrong url. No payload. I also receive a CORS error.

Fetch API cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 400. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

Has anybody else possibly ever had this issue or perhaps any experience using the Gremlin-Javascript client connecting to Gremlin who could help me out?

I'd like to discuss. Can this be done? Is there a preferred way?

Categories: Software

How list values ​from a select vue.js

Vuejs - Wed, 2017-09-06 17:17

how to list select values? example below.

var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { }
Categories: Software
