How to add multiple input values to store in Vue
Trying to add to a store on click from an input. There would be multiple inputs with different parts of an objects info. How can I grab in input data from a method?
In this case, I'm working with packets via a store
<input label="Packet Name" v-model="" required><br> <input label="Packet Name" v-model="packets.folder" required><br> <button @click="addPacket">Add</button>On the addPacket call how do I get the input data?
Full jsfiddle :
VueJS Data from API call not displaying
I hope you can help me with this. I am trying to dynamically display some buttons according to an API call. I just dont happen to manage to receive the data before the page renders.
new Vue({ el: '#app', data : function(){ return { results : [], } }, beforeCreate : function(){ axios.get('somesite') .then(function (response) { this.results =; console.log(this.results); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); }, })and the html is:
<head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/style.css') }}"> </head> <body> {% raw %} <div class="container"> <div id="app"> <div class="response_list"> <button class="entries" v-for="entry in results"></button> </div> </div> </div> {% endraw %} <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/index.js') }}"></script> </body> </html>Using click method and event handler on same input field in VueJs
I'm trying to use a click method and an event handler on the same input box.
Only addLocale works, while showTip does not. However, if I remove one, the other begins to work. I'm not getting any errors so it's really hard to debug.
Is there some type of "collision" between @click and @keyup events in VueJS?
Here's my input field
<input type="text" v-model="addLocation" @click="showTip('local')" @keyup.enter="addLocale" >Here are my methods
methods: { showTip(type) { if (type === 'locale') { this.audienceTip = false this.localeTip = true } if (type === 'audience') { this.localeTip = false this.audienceTip = true } }, addLocale() { if (this.addLocation) { this.selectedLocations.push(this.addLocation) this.addLocation = '' } } }Prevent a v-model change in Vue
I have a list of tasks stored in an array in my data() method.
Is there a way I can prevent / reverse a change to an object when it's linked by a v-model directive?
For example (in a component):
<template> <tr v-for="task in tasks" :key=""> <input @change="complete(task)" v-model="task.complete" type="checkbox" name="complete"> <td>{{ task.summary }}</td> </tr> </template> <script> export default { props: ['allowChanges'], data() { return { tasks: [], }; }, methods: { complete(task) { if (this.allowChanges) { // etc. } else { // This doesn't work: task.complete = !task.complete } }, } } </script>I've tried using watchers and methods, but can't seem to reverse / cancel the change when made with a v-model directive?
Push input data to store in Vue
Trying to add an object from a text field. Basically, trying to set the object name and folder. Kinda learning off this fiddle, however, it doesn't use a store. As far as I can see, I need to like my v-model to the computed property. After that, on a addPacket method call, I should be able to reference my input. Obviously, though I'm not using the data: {} property, so I imagine that's throwing an error or leaving the new method undefined.
////In templates <template> <v-card-text> <v-text-field label="Packet Name" v-model="" required></v-text-field> <v-text-field label="Packet Name" v-model="packets.folder" required></v-text-field> <small>*indicates required field</small> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn class="blue--text darken-1" flat @click.native="dialog = false">Close</v-btn> <v-btn class="blue--text darken-1" flat @click.native="dialog = false" @click="addPacket">Save</v-btn> </v-card-actions> </template> //// In script <script> import axios from 'axios' export default { name: 'packetgen', computed: { packets: function () { return this.$store.getters.packets } }, methods: { addPacket: function () { var packet = { value: false, name: '', folder: '', admin: 'Dan' } alert( this.$store.dispatch('addPacket', packet) } } } </script> //Store file state: { packets: [ { value: false, name: 'Firm Memo', folder: '\\Firm Memo', admin: 6.0, packetDocuments: [] } }, getters: { // TODO: implement getters.. // packets: function (state) { return state.packets }, }, mutations: { addPacket: function (state, packet) { alert(packet) state.packets.push(packet) } }, actions: { addPacket: function (context, packet) { context.commit('addPacket') } }What am I doing wrong?
NOTE: Obviously, this won't compile. I tried to strip it down to show my specific view, store, and scripts. Working on a codepen..
Vue.js table is rendered outside
I am trying to render a table. The data is dynamic and comes from an array. It works fine, except: the table content is rendered outside of the table on top of the page.
I would like it to render inside the table. Would anyone be able to help?
This what the code looks like:
Vue.component('word', { props: ['word-list'], template: '#word-template' }); new Vue({ el: '#root' });HTML:
<div id="root"> <word :word-list="{{json_encode($commonWords) }}"></word> <template id="word-template"> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Key</th> <th>Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="(value, key) in wordList" :wordList="wordList"> <td> @{{ key }} </td> <td> @{{ value }} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </template> </div>Note: This is used with Laravel, thats why there is an @ before double curly braces.
vue.js 2 routing in vue-material
I'm currently working on a web page what uses vue.js with vue-material. I made a similar menu like this.
My goal, that one of the menu item redirect the user to an another page. I tried as a official doc says:
<md-list-item @click="$refs.sidebar.toggle(); this.$router.push('/company');"> <md-icon>start</md-icon> <span>Starred</span> </md-list-item>But I got a vue-warn message:
[Vue warn]: Error in event handler for "click": "TypeError: this.$router is undefined"I tried the all version: $router.push('/company');,router.push('/company');,this.router.push('/company'); but stil does not works.
On the other hand i tried to surround the md-list-item with router-link tag but it didnt work as well.
How can I define the routing inline (in the @click section)?
Thx for the responses in advance!
Is it idiomatic to update a property of a prop, without an event?
I pass the list of inputs as a prop,
v-for input in inputProps v-model input.valueShould I be using events, instead of v-model?
Passing an event to manually update a property of a value in a list would involve
[index]'path to property', would it not?
How to Initialize Data Properties with Prop Values
Still a little bit young in VueJS but I'm loving every bit of it. But now, fixated somewhere.
I want to initialize some values in data() using values passed via props. This is so that I can be able to mutate them later on, since it is not recommended to mutate props inside a component. In fact the official docs recommend this property initialization using prop values as shown below:
I have something like the one below:
<template> <div class="well"> <!-- Use Prop value directly on the template: works (but of no help in initializing data) --> Department: {{}} <!-- Use prop value but gotten via computed property: Works inside the template but not in the initialization --> Department: {{}} <!-- Use the array I initialized with the prop value: Does not work --> Department: {{}} </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'test', props: ['department'], data() { return { this_department: this.department // below does not work either //this_department: this.fetchDepartment } }, created() { // shows empty array console.log(this.department) }, mounted() { // shows empty array console.log(this.department) }, computed: { fetchDepartment() { return this.department } } } </script>As seen in the commented sections above, the initialization is not successful. Neither does the value of this.department appear either from the created() or the mounted() hooks. And note, I can see it is defined using the Chrome Vue Devtools. So my question is, how exactly should I initialize data() attributes using props values, or which is the best way of going around this issue?
Props not being assigned to data() attribute in Vue
I am creating a Vue component, which should refresh restaurants depending on user dynamically selected filters.
Therefor I have to update the filteredRestaurants in the data() function of my Vue component. However, at first, when the Vue component is rendered, it takes the restaurant information from the "restaurants" prop.
I have tried to insert the "restaurants" into the filteredRestaurants data attribute to set it as a default value. Unfortunatelly then the stores wouldnt show at tall, as if the "restaurants" prop is inserted after the filteredRestaurants is assigned its value.
My question is, how can i get the "restaurants" prop into filteredRestaurants so that I can later on, re-render the Vue component when the user changes the filters.
<template lang="html"> <div class="test"> <Filters></Filters> <div> <ul class="o-list c-stores"> <Result v-bind:total="restaurants.length" v-bind:open="isOpen" v-on:toggle="toggleRestaurantList"></Result> <li v-for="(restaurant, index) in restaurants" class="c-stores__location" :class="{'first': isFirst(index), 'last': isLast(index, restaurants)}"> <Location :index="index" :store="restaurant" :link="() => setCurrentRestaurant(restaurant)"></Location> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </template> <script> import eventHub from './../../event-hubs/storefinder' import Location from './Location' import Filters from './Filters' import Result from './Result' export default { props: ["restaurants", "isOpen", "currentSearch"], data() { return { attributes : [], // Here I am assigning the prop filteredRestaurants : this.restaurants } }, head: { title: function () { return { inner: this.$t('storefinder.overview') } }, meta: function functionName() { return [{ name: 'og:title', content: this.$t('storefinder.overview') + ' - ' + this.$t(''), id: "og-title" }, { name: 'description', content: this.$t('storefinder.description'), id: "meta-description" }, { name: 'og:description', content: this.$t('storefinder.description'), id: "og-description" }, ] } }, components: { Location, Filters, Result }, methods: { toggleRestaurantList() { eventHub.$emit('showRestaurantList'); }, setCurrentRestaurant(restaurant) { this.trackRestaurantSelect(restaurant.publicNameSlug); this.$router.push({ name: "store", params: { restaurant: restaurant.publicNameSlug } }); }, trackRestaurantSelect(restaurantName) { dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'GAEvent', 'eventCategory': 'restaurants', 'eventAction': 'clickResult', 'eventLabel': restaurantName, 'eventValue': undefined, 'searchTerm': this.currentSearch && this.currentSearch.toLowerCase(), 'amountSearchResults': 1 }); }, created() { eventHub.$on('addFilterTheRestaurants', (attribute) => this.attributes.push(attribute)); eventHub.$on('removeFilterTheRestaurants', (attribute) => this.attributes = this.attributes.filter(item => item !== attribute)); }, isLast: function (idx, list) { return idx === list.length - 1; }, isFirst: function (idx) { return idx === 0; }, } } </script>The only way this worked, was when I had the filteredRestaurants as a function which returned "restaurants", and I called it inside the Vue template:
filteredRestaurants(){ return this.restaurants }Any help appreciated.
Vue js method with argument and setTimeout
I can't figure out why this code works..
data: { return { userMinerals: 0, mineralsLimit: 1000, miners: 0, superMiner: 0, minerPrice: 10, superMinerPrice: 100, minersLimit: 10 } } methods: { counter() { setInterval(() => { this.userMinerals += this.miners; if(this.checkLimit(this.userMinerals, this.mineralsLimit)) { this.userMinerals = this.mineralsLimit; } }, 100); }, addMiner() { if (this.userMinerals >= this.minerPrice) { this.miners += 1; this.userMinerals -= this.minerPrice; this.counter(); } } }.. but if I try to put parameters into counter() the code stops working
methods: { counter(typeOfCredits) { setInterval(() => { typeOfCredits += this.miners; if(this.checkLimit(this.userMinerals, this.mineralsLimit)) { typeOfCredits = this.mineralsLimit; } }, 100); }, addMiner() { if (this.userMinerals >= this.minerPrice) { this.miners += 1; this.userMinerals -= this.minerPrice; this.counter(this.userMinerals); } } }From the console I can see that typeOfCredits gets incremented as it should but it doesn't update the value in the view. Thx for help
Directive v-if doesn't work when changing tab
I'm trying to build a simple listing system that shows a list of items for different platforms, each platform is on a seperate tab . I created the tab switching logic via VueJS from scratch .
What I'm doing:
Basically I have two platforms : twitter and facebook, when user click on one of the tabs, the frontend send an ajax request to my server to fetch posts for that platform and render them via v-for .
I added a button called edit for each post, when user press it , it calls a function edit(p), where p is the current post that user want to edit .
in edit(p) I change an atrribute p.editing which using v-if shows a text area and a timepicker (I'm using flatpicker) for that post .
What's Wrong:
All this works fine when I'm on the first tab, but once I switch the tab, it stop working, after debugging I noticed that v-if is not working event p.editing is updated when edit(p) is called, here's the code :
var posts_app = new Vue({ el: "#posts_app", data: { platforms : ['facebook','twitter'], current_tab: { 'facebook' : true, 'twitter': false }, platform_posts: { 'facebook': [], 'twitter': [] }, posts: undefined, }, methods:{ showTab: function(i){ platform = this.platforms[i] // UI stuff : to make the clicked tab active for(p in this.current_tab){ if(p == platform){ this.current_tab[p] = true } else{ this.current_tab[p] = false } } // Show content by platform this.posts = this.platform_posts[platform] }, edit: function(p){ p.editing = true console.log(p) Vue.nextTick(function(){ document.getElementsByClassName("dt-input")[0].flatpickr({enableTime : true}); }) }, save: function(p){ p.editing = false } }, created(){ self = this posts_loaded = false for(var i = 0;i < this.platforms.length; i++){ (function(index){ self.$http.get('/fan/posts',{params:{platform : self.platforms[index]}}).then(function(resp){ self.platform_posts[self.platforms[index]] = resp.body posts_loaded = true })//Promise of Ajax call }// Closure body )(i)//Closure } this.showTab(0) }, delimiters: ['[[',']]'] })and my basic html template :
<div class = "panel-body"> <img class = "pull-right responsive" v-bind:src = "p.image"/> <textarea v-if = "p.editing" class = "post-text-input" v-model = "p.text"></textarea> <p class = "post-text" v-if = "!p.editing">[[p.text]]</p> <p class = "post-source" v-if = "p.type == 'article'"> Source : [[post_source(p)]]</p> <p class = "post-time"><b>Scheduled on <i v-if = "!p.editing">[[p.time]] </i></b> <input placeholder="Choose a date and a time" class = "flatpickr dt-input" v-model = "p.time" v-if = "p.editing" /> </p> </div> <div class = "panel-footer clearfix"> <button class = "btn btn-danger">Delete</button> <button class = "btn btn-info pull-right" @click = "edit(p)" v-if = "!p.editing">Edit</button> <button class = "btn btn-success pull-right" @click = "save(p)" v-if = "p.editing">Save</button> </div>Code explanation:
So, when a tab is clicked, showTab(index) is called where index is the number of tab, if index is 0 then we switched to facebook tab, if it's 1 then we're in the twitter tab, we send an AJAX request to get the posts for that current platform (tab) and fill it in platform_posts[current_platform], we then render them via v-for . All of this is working like a charm .
Second part, when user click on the edit button for a given post, it replace the text paragraph element with a textarea using v-model to keep track of change and update the time paragraph with an input which acts as datetime picker via flatpickr library . Basically this lib can turn any input into a datetime pickr using this line of code :
Where element is an HTML element . You can notice that I'm using Vue.nextTick, this is to make sure that the input is not hidden anymore (it shouldn't be since p.editing is updated) . All of this work like a charm when I'm on the first tab, the problem is that when I switch the tab it stop working .
Here's a gif I made to show you the error :
As you can see, the behaviour is very weird, it works perfectly on the twitter tab and it's weird on the facebook tab .
App language: state or setting?
Should I have the app language in the:
- app's store and all the app reactive to the store's state (eventual server side rendering of strings included)
- settings (ie: not changeable in the front-end), so the language strings and all server side differences are loaded on a page reload, and if we need to change it back a reload might be necessary
Is the answer to this based in opinions or is there a clear way to take this decision and which are the technical reasons for the choice?
My own experience is to use as a setting, mostly because of a older paradigma (MVC, static pages, etc...), before state stores in the front end and the possibility to re-render the app with JavaScript without having to reload it.
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
I face this problem:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8000/scripts/advaced_donwload/advancedUpload/vueupload/store.php. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
This is my code:
storeMeta(file) { var fileObject = this.generateFileObject(file) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.$'http://localhost:8888/vueupload/store.php', { name: }).then((response) => { = resolve(fileObject) }, () => { reject(fileObject) }) }) }How to break axios promise with conditional?
In a vue.js app, I have this part that deals with the fetching data for unlimited pagination:
fetchData() { this.loading = true; axios.get(this.BASE_URL + '/api/jokes/'+'?page=' response => this.jokes = .then( if (this.jokes.length == null) {throw new Error("end of pagination")} ) .catch(function (error) { }); document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; this.loading = false; },I want to stop rendering empty jokes and break out of the function if the response is empty. As you can see in the code abouve, I put a conditional in another then, but get error on the if:
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (169:20)So I'm wondering what's the correct way to achieve this?
When I change router-link not wokring jquery
When I change router-link, my plugins not working in vue component, but when I refreshing page the first time working, but I go another page and come back the page, plugins not working
How to get selected value from components in vuejs
I am currently using in my project. The src code is exactly like this: and you can the datepicker working in this page:
So, basically this is the code:
<template lang="html"> <div class=""> <div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-calendar"></i> </span> <datepicker :readonly="true" format="MMM/D/YYYY" id="dateInput" width="100%"></datepicker> </div> </div> </template> <script> import datepicker from 'vue-date-picker' export default { name: 'Settings', components: { datepicker }, computed: { datetime () { return new Date() } }, methods: { clearInput (vueModel) { vueModel = '' } } } </script> <style> .datetime-picker input { height: 4em !important; } </script> <style lang="css"> </style>So, I am not sure once someone selects a date, how to get that inside my computed property or methods
Webpack mix, Vue - output files on cdn subdomain
I am struggling with webpack. I want to have the compiled files in public-cdn folder. However, the following code creates files in several different locations. Including E:\cdn. Chunks, app.js, css files - everything in different location.
main folder: www/Project
laravel public: www/Project/public
cdn folder: www/Project/public-cdn
mix.webpackConfig({ output : { path : '/public-cdn/', publicPath : 'http://cdn.ywg.localhost/', chunkFilename : 'js/[name].js' }, }); mix.sass('resources/assets/sass/styles.scss', '../public-cdn/css') .options({processCssUrls: false }); mix.sass('resources/assets/sass/invoice.scss', '../public-cdn/css') .options({processCssUrls: false }); mix.js('resources/assets/js/frontApps.js', '../public-cdn/js') .extract(['vue']);I tried experimenting with Path and PublicPath parameters. PublicPath doesn't seem to work at all.
export 'default' (imported as 'Three') was not found in 'three'
Overview In main.js, add
import Three from 'three'Vue.use(Three)
Start dev server with npm run dev. Expected behavior The Vue project should load without errors. Actual behavior The dev server gives this warning:
warning in ./src/main.js 7:8-14 "export 'default' (imported as 'Three') was not found in 'three'And the browser's js console displays the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'installed' of undefined at Function.Vue.use (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:723), <anonymous>:3443:15) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:778), <anonymous>:14:45) at Object.<anonymous> (app.js:778) at __webpack_require__ (app.js:660) at fn (app.js:84) at Object.<anonymous> (app.js:964) at __webpack_require__ (app.js:660) at app.js:709 at app.js:712VueJS dont display input value if its 0
I have a input field that gets pre populated from my DB, but I wont want it to be pre filled if the value is 0
<input v-model="price" type="text">If
data: { price: 0 }I dont want my input field to display 0, I know that I can do stuff like :disabled="price == 0" but this will hide the whole inputfield, I just dont want to display the value if its 0