
VueJS data object is 2 data objects combined

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 23:40

So I have this basic VUE.js page, but I want variable C to be a composite of variable A and B together.

var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { firstname: '', lastname: '', fullname: firstname + lastname } })

so I can use it in a <input type="text" v-model="fullname"> and it will contain the values of firstname and lastname.

firstname and lastname will be binded to 2 other inputs as follows:

<label>Insert your first name:</label> <input type="text" v-model="firstname"> <label>Insert your last name:</label> <input type="text" v-model="lastname">

so the fullname variable will be a dynamically binded firstname + lastname variable.

I've tried several things but I can't seem to get this working.

Categories: Software

Vue.js + Vuex: How to mutate nested item state?

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 23:30

let's say I have following tree:

[ { name: 'asd', is_whatever: true, children: [ { name: 'asd', is_whatever: false, children: [], }, ], }, ],

The tree is stored in a module via Vuex under key 'tree' and looped through with following recursive component called 'recursive-item':

<li class="recursive-item" v-for="item in tree"> {{ }} <div v-if="item.is_whatever">on</div> <div v-else>off</div> <ul v-if="tree.children.length"> <recursive-item :tree="item.children"></recursive-item> </ul> </li>

Now i want to toggle item's property 'is_whatever', so i attach a listener

<div v-if="item.is_whatever" @click="item.is_whatever = !item.is_whatever">on</div> <div v-else>off</div>

When i click it, it works, but emits following

"Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers." [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.

How am I supposed to implement it without this error? I can see no way how to dispatch an action or emit event to the top of the tree because it's nested and recursive, so I haven't got a path to the specific item, right?

Categories: Software

Can options be created based on the search term?

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 23:19

Is it possible for a vuetify.js to add an option in the standard selection component based on the user's search? As in this example for select2:

$(".js-example-tags").select2({ tags: true })

Categories: Software

How add multiple components (more than two) in one Vue-template

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 22:20

Is there a way to add three or more components in one Vue-template.

<template> <div id="app"> <navbar></navbar> <router-view></router-view> <footer></footer> //adding third component will not work this way </div> </template>

Categories: Software

I am using vue-resource with vue cli webpack i have 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' issue

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 21:35
mounted(){ this.$http.get('') .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }); }

i get this console error :

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.

i test vue-resource with reddit and it worked fine but with this url gives the problem . please help .

Categories: Software

How can i make in vue devtools to show errors?

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 20:16

I have install Vue Devtootls but each time I have errors it doesn't show in the console I see o laracast they have like [vue: warn] and the error. I put this code but nothing.

catch(function(error){ console.log(error.message); }); }
Categories: Software

Vue.js <iframe> Keep-Alive

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 18:32

I have a simple Vue.js app with 2 iframes.

Using Vue Router I'd like to switch between the two iframes, but I'd like to keep the iframes "alive" in the background, so it doesn't need to reload the iframe each time.

Any idea why the following fiddle doesn't work? (notice that it reloads the iframes each time you switch back and forth)

<div id="app"> <router-link to="/">/</router-link> <router-link to="/foo">/</router-link> <keep-alive> <router-view></router-view> </keep-alive> </div>
Categories: Software

How should my file .htaccess look in Vue.js application

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 16:06

How should my file .htaccess look in Vue.js application

And when using routing in Single Page Application

Categories: Software

Semantic-ui modal duplicated with VueJS

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 14:04

I found 2 similar questions ont stackoverflow, but it didn't help.

I'm using VueJS and semantic-ui modal.

According to my structure of code, each time i call the "show modal" method, a new modal is added to the source page with the same id :

<div id="myModal ...>

So finally the content of this modal is wrong and not expected because the changes are in the last modal (conflict id). But anyway duplicating the modal code is wrong.

So i made a jsfiddle to be clear :

To reproduce the bug :

  • click on "open modal", you see the name "a"
  • click on "change name", open modal, the name has changed (just appending "x"), this is ok. You can repeat if you want.
  • click on "change page", you go to page 2, click again to go to page 1
  • "change name" has now no effect in the modal content.

Help to debug : i can see in my developement browser that each time "openModal" is called, a full code is added at the end at the DOM and never removed :

<div class="ui dimmer modals page inverted transition hidden"> <div id="myModal"...

So we have several same ids "myModal".

But i could'nt fix that. Thanks for your help.

Categories: Software

Vue typescript example

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 12:19

I'm trying to create a HelloWorld app with Vue and typescript


<script data-main="app.js" src="node_modules/requirejs/require.js"></script> <div id="app">{{text}}</div>


import Vue from 'vue' var app = new Vue({ el:"#app" ,data: { text: "hello there" } });


{ "name": "vue-example" ,"autohor": "nagyzsolthun" ,"dependencies": { "vue": "latest" } ,"devDependencies": { "typescript": "latest" ,"requirejs": "latest" } }


{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5" ,"module": "amd" ,"moduleResolution": "node" ,"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true ,"experimentalDecorators": true ,"lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ] } }

When opening index-html (after compiling app.ts) I see the following error:

GET file:///home/zsolt/prog/vue-boilerplate/vue.js net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

How can I make a working Vue app with typescript?

Categories: Software

Creating Component Dynamically always removes last instance

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 10:07

Ok. Now i am getting out of control. I have a child component and parent component. Parent component renders child component dynamically i.e. on demand and keeps the record in array. When a child component demands to be removed, it emits event and hence passes down its id to be identified in record. Though the record does get removed based on id but the last created instance is removed, always. Even if you click the first child, it is going to remove the last one only.

Here is the link that is identical to my situation but only in simple form. I did research on SO and found this answer whose fiddle is here. So I did followed its pattern in another fiddle but result is no different.

I don't know whats the problem here... what I am doing wrong? See if anyone can find the bug.


Categories: Software

How i return data in Laravel from Vue.js Axios

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 07:44

I have a textarea and I try to submit data with axios and vue to laravel but it doesn't work.I try to take the data and put ucfirst then return it.

new Vue({ el:'#root', data:{ areamodel: '' }, methods:{ insert:function(){'/vue').then(response => this.areamodel =; } } });


namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class PostController extends Controller { public function vue(Request $request) { $abc = ucfirst($request->input('areamodel')); return $abc; } }
Categories: Software

Vuejs Embedded JSON

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 07:17

Tell me how to extract data from the embedded json. The data in Vuejs is transferred from the database. There is data in the debugger in Google Chrome. There is a one-to-many relationship in the database. One recipe for many ingredients

Example Vue

var vm = new Vue({ el: '#my_view', data: { recipeslist: [], recipes: {} }, created: function () { this.$http.get('/recipe').then(function (data) { this.$set(this, 'recipeslist', data.body.items) $( "#recipe_view" ).hide(); }) }, methods: { showrecipe: function (event) { this.$http.get('/recipe/' (data) { this.$set(this, 'recipes', data.body.items) $( "#recipe_view" ).show(); $( "#main_view" ).hide(); }) } } })

Example html

<div class="root"v-for="index in recipes"> <h6> {{index.recipename}} </h6> <h6> {{index.flavorid}} </h6> </div>

Html view

test 1 3 test 1 4

Example data with this code

<div class="root"v-for="index in recipes"> <h6> {{index}} </h6> </div>

{ "id": 1, "bottleID": 1, "recipename": "test 1", "bottlesize": 60, "date": 1, "flavorslist": 1, "note": "none", "flavorid": 3, "NAME": "tpa lime", "drops": 5, "recepeid": 1 } { "id": 1, "bottleID": 1, "recipename": "test 1", "bottlesize": 60, "date": 1, "flavorslist": 1, "note": "none", "flavorid": 4, "NAME": "tpa prome", "drops": 1, "recepeid": 1 }

Tried so writes an error: vue.min.js:6 TypeError: Cannot read property 'recipename' of undefined

<div class="root"v-for="index in recipes"> <h6> {{index[0].recipename}} </h6> <h6> {{index[0].flavorid}} </h6> </div>

In general, I need to get:

One copy of recipename, bottleID, bottlesize, date (since this is the basis of the recipe and it is the same in json) But a few NAME, drops (since these are ingredients and there may be several)

Categories: Software

Vue JS Auto Generate Password not working

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 04:25

I want to generate a password for users when creating an account using vue components. However when I check the box it doesn't disabled the password input field.

Here is my code:


@extends('layouts.manage') @section('content') <div class="flex-container"> <div class="columns m-t-10"> <div class="column"> <h1 class="title">Create New Users User</h1> </div> </div> <hr class="m-t-0"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column"> <form action="{{ route('') }}" method="POST"> <div class="field"> <label for="name" class="label">Name</label> <p class="control"> <input type="text" class="input" name="name" id="name"> </p> </div> <div class="field"> <label for="email" class="label">Email</label> <p class="control"> <input type="email" class="input" name="email" id="email"> </p> </div> <div class="field"> <label for="password" class="label">Password</label> <p class="control"> <input type="password" class="input" name="password" id="password" v-if="!auto_password" placeholder="Manually input a password"> <b-checkbox name="auto_generate" class="m-t-15" v-model="auto_password">Auto Generate Password</b-checkbox> </p> </div> <button class="button is-success">Create User</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> @endsection @section('scripts') <script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { auto_password: true } }); </script> @endsection

looking for help. Thanks in advance.

Categories: Software

change # symbol to #! vue js router

Vuejs - Sun, 2017-08-13 02:43

my client wants to use AJAX crawling (I know that it is deprecated But he wants it to use because of another search engine that still support it such as

So I want to translate


How do I do this with vue-router?

Categories: Software

Webpack doesn't compile Vue components corrently?

Vuejs - Sat, 2017-08-12 22:34

I can't seem to get webpack to compile Vue components. When I open a page that uses a component I get [Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined. and in place of the component vue renders <-- function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, true); } -->

My webpack config.

module.exports = { entry: __dirname + '/display.js', output: { filename: 'bundle.js' }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.vue$/, loader: 'vue-loader' } ] } }

I've created a simplified project to demonstrate my problem.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Categories: Software

v-select item doesn't change value

Vuejs - Sat, 2017-08-12 21:45

When I make the selection nothing happens. Setting initial value works.


<v-select :items="accountTypes" v-model="formData.AccountName" </v-select>

script data:

accountTypes: [ {value: 1, text: "student"}, {value: 2, text: "company"} ], formData: { FirstName: '', LastName: '', Email: '', AccountTypeId: 1, AccountName: 1, UserName: '', Password: '' },

I've looked into the source code and I found out that selectItem won't get triggered in v-select's generator line 128 (version 0.14.8, see code below)

const data = { on: { click: e => this.selectItem(item) }, props: { avatar: item === Object(item) && 'avatar' in item, ripple: true, value: active } }

I've tried upgrading and downgrading modules, but I think there is some kind of a "stupid" mistake somewhere. Thanks for any kind of input :)

Categories: Software

Reusable increment and decrement functions in Vue.js

Vuejs - Sat, 2017-08-12 21:35

I'm new to Vue.js and still practicing all features. I was wondering how can I write reusable functions for increment and decrement based on this code - that's what I have for now but it's repetitive. So I want to use increment/decrement function for two different buttons. Here's jsfiddle demo!

new Vue ({ el: "#pomodoro-clock", data: { breakLength: 5, sessionLength: 25, }, methods: { addBreak: function(inc){ this.breakLength += inc; }, subtractBreak: function(dec){ if(this.breakLength === 1) return; this.breakLength -= dec; }, addSession: function(inc){ this.sessionLength += inc; }, subtractSession: function(dec){ if(this.sessionLength === 1) return; this.sessionLength -= dec; } } });
Categories: Software

Vue.js mixins call parent method in overridden implementation

Vuejs - Sat, 2017-08-12 21:31

I'm using vuejs-datepicker component in a project however I need some custom behaviour that's why I decided to create my own datepicker and inject vuejs-datepicker as a mixin. The solution works fine but I'm looking for a way to call the parent method inside my overridden one. That's how my component looks for now:

import Datepicker from 'vuejs-datepicker' export default { props: { /** * My custom property startDate to open a calendar on the given date by default */ startDate: { validator: function (val) { return val === null || val instanceof Date || typeof val === 'string' }, default: new Date() } }, mixins: [ Datepicker ], methods: { /** * I override parent method setPageDate to read default startDate when none is specified */ setPageDate (date) { // my code to set default date from the property if (!date) { date = this.startDate } // this part is the same as in the original method this.pageDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, date.getHours(), date.getMinutes()).getTime() } } }

Just one line of copied code isn't a big deal but I expect I need to override more methods in the future. So I'm looking for the best way to call that parent method inside my implementation, something like this.parent(date) or this.super(date). Is it possible at all?

Categories: Software

Add vue.js Component from Child to Parent

Vuejs - Sat, 2017-08-12 21:05

Is there any way to render a vue.js component from a child component to on of its parents (maybe not the direct parent) like with slots but in the opposite direction?

My use case: In my root component I do have a <router-view> and a container for modals. from any child component of the router-view I would like to be able to add a child component to the modal wrapper.

Did I miss a feature of vue.js here or is there a even better practice to solve this problem?

Categories: Software
