This one appears high in Google SERPs on phpbb2drupal.
{syntaxhighlighter brush:sql}
--- Written by Feodor (feodor [at]
--- Modified for drupal 4.5.2 and phpbb 2.0.11-2.0.13
--- by Alexander Mikhailian
--- This script makes an assumption that phpbb and drupal tables are kept in
--- one and the same database. Phpbb tables are expected to have the prefix
--- phpbb_ and drupal tables are expected to have the prefix drupal_
--- If phpBB forum use CP1251 (or another) encoding, the tables must be converted
--- into UTF8. If version of MySQL less then 4.1 "iconv" command can be used for
--- convertion of exported tables into UTF8.
--- Example:
--- iconv -fcp1251 -tutf8 phpbb2_utf-8.sql
--- Here is a list of phpbb tables used by script for import into Drupal:
--- phpbb_categories
--- phpbb_forums
--- phpbb_posts
--- phpbb_posts_text
--- phpbb_users
--- phpbb_vote_desc
--- phpbb_vote_results
--- You should probably edit the two variables below to match your result:
--- The name of the forums taxanomy as it appears on the site
SELECT @forum_title:='Forums';
--- Start importing users from this id. Do not forget that uid 1 is always
--- the Administrator in Drupal. Depending on whether you already created
--- the Administrator user in Drupal or not, you may want to change this
--- variable into 2.
SELECT @first_phpbb_user_id:=1; # uid 1 is always an administrator in Drupal
--- Drupal variables for node counts
SELECT @phpbb_terms:=MAX(forum_id) FROM phpbb_forums;
SELECT @phpbb_cat:=MAX(cat_id) FROM phpbb_categories;
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid:=id FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name = 'drupal_term_data_tid';
SELECT IF( @drupal_term_data_tid>0, @drupal_term_data_tid, @drupal_term_data_tid:=0);
SELECT @drupal_comments_cid:=id FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name = 'drupal_comments_cid';
SELECT IF( @drupal_comments_cid>0, @drupal_comments_cid, @drupal_comments_cid:=0);
SELECT @drupal_vocabulary_vid:=id FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name = 'drupal_vocabulary_vid';
SELECT IF( @drupal_vocabulary_vid>0, @drupal_vocabulary_vid, @drupal_vocabulary_vid:=0);
SELECT @drupal_node_nid:=id FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name = 'drupal_node_nid';
SELECT IF( @drupal_node_nid>0, @drupal_node_nid, @drupal_node_nid:=0);
--- Import user forms phpbb_users
INSERT INTO drupal_users (uid,name,pass,mail,mode,sort,threshold,theme,signature,created,changed,status,timezone,language,picture,init,data)
SELECT user_id,username,user_password,user_email,0,0,0,'',user_sig,user_regdate,user_lastvisit,1,0,'',user_avatar,user_email,'a:1:{s:5:"roles";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"2";}}'
FROM phpbb_users
WHERE user_id>=@first_phpbb_user_id;
--- Create a vocabulary (called "Forum")
DELETE FROM drupal_vocabulary WHERE nodes='forum';
INSERT INTO drupal_vocabulary (vid,name,description,help,relations,hierarchy,multiple,required,nodes,weight)
SELECT @drupal_vocabulary_vid+1,@forum_title,'','','0','2','0','1','forum','0';
--- Set up the vocabulary "Forum" as the forum vocabulary
DELETE FROM drupal_variable WHERE name = 'forum_nav_vocabulary';
INSERT INTO drupal_variable (name, value) VALUES ('forum_nav_vocabulary', CONCAT('s:1:\"',@drupal_vocabulary_vid+1,'\";'));
--- The default comment order in phpbb2 is "oldest first"
DELETE FROM drupal_variable WHERE name = 'comment_default_order';
INSERT INTO drupal_variable (name, value) VALUES ('comment_default_order', 's:1:\"2\";');
--- Import categories from phpbb_categories as terms
INSERT INTO drupal_term_data (tid,vid,name,weight)
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid+cat_id,@drupal_vocabulary_vid+1,cat_title,cat_order
FROM phpbb_categories;
--- Import terms from phpbb_forums
INSERT INTO drupal_term_data (tid,vid,name,description,weight)
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid+@phpbb_cat+forum_id,@drupal_vocabulary_vid+1, forum_name,forum_desc,forum_order
FROM phpbb_forums;
ALTER TABLE drupal_term_data ORDER BY tid;
--- Import forum hierarchy
--- Drupal allows topics to be created at this level while phpbb2 does not. If you want to disallow topics below
--- categories, mark them as containers in the forum configuration dialog
INSERT INTO drupal_term_hierarchy (tid,parent)
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid+cat_id,'0'
FROM phpbb_categories;
INSERT INTO drupal_term_hierarchy (tid,parent)
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid+@phpbb_cat+forum_id, @drupal_term_data_tid+cat_id
FROM phpbb_forums;
ALTER TABLE drupal_term_hierarchy ORDER BY tid;
--- Create temporary tables for sorting topics and comments.
CREATE TABLE temp_posts (
post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
forum_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
poster_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
post_time int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
post_edit_time int(11),
post_subject char(512),
post_text text,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
KEY forum_id (forum_id),
KEY topic_id (topic_id),
KEY poster_id (poster_id),
KEY post_time (post_time)
CREATE TABLE temp_node (
post_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
KEY topic_id (topic_id)
--- Copy into temporary table topics without comments
INSERT INTO temp_node (post_id,topic_id)
SELECT MIN(post_id), topic_id
FROM phpbb_posts
GROUP BY topic_id;
INSERT INTO temp_posts (post_id, topic_id,forum_id,poster_id, post_time,post_edit_time,post_subject,post_text)
SELECT c.post_id, c.topic_id, a.forum_id, IF(a.poster_id='-1','0',a.poster_id), a.post_time, a.post_edit_time,
REPLACE(b.post_subject, CONCAT(':',b.bbcode_uid),''), REPLACE(b.post_text, CONCAT(':',b.bbcode_uid),'')
FROM phpbb_posts AS a, phpbb_posts_text AS b, temp_node AS c
WHERE c.post_id=a.post_id AND c.post_id=b.post_id;
--- Insert nid and tid from temp_posts into drupal_term_node
INSERT INTO drupal_term_node (nid,tid)
SELECT @drupal_node_nid+topic_id,@drupal_term_data_tid+@phpbb_cat+forum_id
FROM temp_posts;
ALTER TABLE drupal_term_node ORDER BY nid;
--- Insert forum topics from temp_posts into drupal_node
INSERT INTO drupal_node (nid,type,title,uid,created,comment,body,changed)
SELECT @drupal_node_nid+topic_id,'forum',post_subject,poster_id,post_time,'2',post_text,
FROM temp_posts;
ALTER TABLE drupal_node ORDER BY nid;
--- Insert nid into drupal_forum
DELETE FROM drupal_forum;
INSERT INTO drupal_forum (nid,tid)
SELECT @drupal_node_nid+topic_id,@drupal_term_data_tid+@phpbb_cat+forum_id
FROM temp_posts;
--- Insert comments into drupal_comments for topics from temp_posts
INSERT INTO drupal_comments (nid,uid,subject,comment,hostname,timestamp,users)
SELECT @drupal_node_nid+a.topic_id,
CASE WHEN a.poster_id='-1' THEN '0' ELSE a.poster_id END,
REPLACE(c.post_subject, CONCAT(':',c.bbcode_uid),''),
REPLACE(c.post_text, CONCAT(':',c.bbcode_uid),''),
FROM phpbb_posts AS a LEFT JOIN temp_posts AS b ON a.post_id=b.post_id,phpbb_posts_text AS c
WHERE b.post_id IS NULL AND a.post_id=c.post_id;
ALTER TABLE drupal_comments ORDER BY cid;
UPDATE drupal_comments,drupal_node
SET drupal_comments.subject=IF(drupal_comments.subject='',
WHERE drupal_comments.nid=drupal_node.nid;
--- Update thread in drupal_comments
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS drupal_comments_tmp;
CREATE TABLE drupal_comments_tmp (
cid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
nid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
thread int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY (nid,thread)
INSERT INTO drupal_comments_tmp (cid,nid)
SELECT cid,nid
FROM drupal_comments
WHERE cid>@drupal_comments_cid;
UPDATE drupal_comments,drupal_comments_tmp
SET drupal_comments.thread=CONCAT(CONCAT(REPEAT(9,
WHERE drupal_comments.cid=drupal_comments_tmp.cid;
--- Update drupal_history
---INSERT INTO drupal_history (uid, nid, timestamp)
--- SELECT a.uid, b.nid, a.timestamp
--- FROM drupal_users AS a, drupal_node AS b
--- WHERE a.uid>0 AND b.nid>@drupal_node_nid;
--- update topic statistics
INSERT INTO drupal_node_comment_statistics
SELECT @drupal_node_nid+pt.topic_id, pp.post_time, ppt.post_subject, pp.poster_id,
FROM drupal_node dn, phpbb_topics pt, phpbb_posts pp, phpbb_posts_text ppt
WHERE dn.nid = @drupal_node_nid+pt.topic_id
AND pt.topic_last_post_id = pp.post_id
AND pp.post_id = ppt.post_id;
--- Delete all temp tables
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS drupal_comments_tmp;
--- Update Drupal variables
SELECT @drupal_term_data_tid:=MAX(tid) FROM drupal_term_data;
SELECT @drupal_comments_cid:=MAX(cid) FROM drupal_comments;
SELECT @drupal_node_nid:=MAX(nid) FROM drupal_node WHERE type = 'forum';
SELECT @drupal_users_uid:=MAX(uid) FROM drupal_users;
DELETE FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name="drupal_term_data_tid";
DELETE FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name="drupal_comments_cid";
DELETE FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name="drupal_node_nid";
DELETE FROM drupal_sequences WHERE name="drupal_users_uid";
INSERT INTO drupal_sequences (name,id) SELECT "drupal_term_data_tid", @drupal_term_data_tid;
INSERT INTO drupal_sequences (name,id) SELECT "drupal_comments_cid",@drupal_comments_cid;
INSERT INTO drupal_sequences (name,id) SELECT "drupal_node_nid",@drupal_node_nid;
INSERT INTO drupal_sequences (name,id) SELECT "drupal_users_uid",@drupal_users_uid;
--- this is for porting personal messages to privatemsg drupal module
--- phpbb_privmsgs.privmsgs_type has the following codes:
--- written=1, seen in inbox = 5, read = 0, saved = 3
--- attention, drupal_privatemsg limits the title to 64 chars, this is too
--- little
INSERT INTO drupal_privatemsg ( id, author, recipient,subject,message,
timestamp,new,hostname,folder,author_del,recipient_del )
SELECT p.privmsgs_id, p.privmsgs_from_userid, p.privmsgs_to_userid,
IF(p.privmsgs_type = 1 OR p.privmsgs_type = 5, 1, 0),
FROM phpbb_privmsgs p
LEFT JOIN (phpbb_privmsgs_text pt) ON p.privmsgs_id=pt.privmsgs_text_id;
--- converting polls
INSERT INTO poll(nid,runtime,polled,active)
SELECT pvd.topic_id+41,0,'',0
FROM phpbb_vote_desc pvd;
INSERT INTO poll_choices(nid,chtext,chvotes,chorder)
SELECT pvd.topic_id+41,
vote_option_id # TODO chorder should be autoincremented from 1 every
# unique pvd.topic_id;
FROM phpbb_vote_results pvr, phpbb_vote_desc pvd
WHERE pvr.vote_id=pvd.vote_id;
UPDATE node n, phpbb_vote_desc pvd SET type='poll'
WHERE n.nid=pvd.topic_id+41;