
CTWM screenshot

The configuration file for the ctwm window manager with some custom pixmaps and a screenshot.

# This line is here so that U will be able 2 restart CTWM
# even if the rest of the file doesn't work very well!

"F9" = s : r|w|t|m|f : f.twmrc  #shift "L2": source .ctwmrc

TitleFont       "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-*-5"
ResizeFont      "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-*-5"
MenuFont        "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-*-5"
IconFont        "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-*-5"
IconManagerFont "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-*-5"

RandomPlacement "on"                    # ask for pos?
ShowWorkSpaceManager                    # start with workspace manager up
# UseThreeDTitles
# UseThreeDIconManagers
RaiseDelay 250
MaxWindowSize 1024x768
#DontPaintRootWindow                     # useful to have pixmap per Workspace
NoShowOccupyAll                         # won't be displayed in the WorkSpaceMap window

WorkSpaces {
  "Term"  {"rgb:0/6/6" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:0/6/6" "rgb:f/f/f"}
  "Web"   {"rgb:4/4/6" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:4/4/6" "rgb:f/f/f"}
  "Mail"  {"rgb:6/4/4" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:6/4/4" "rgb:f/f/f"}
  "Emacs" {"rgb:6/6/6" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:6/6/6" "rgb:f/f/f"}
  "Gimp"  {"rgb:0/4/4" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:0/4/4" "rgb:f/f/f"}
  "Root"  {"rgb:2/2/4" "rgb:f/f/f" "rgb:2/2/4" "rgb:f/f/f"}

Color {
  BorderColor           "grey70"
  DefaultBackground     "grey70"
  DefaultForeground     "Black"
  BorderTileBackground  "grey80"
  BorderTileForeground  "grey50"
  TitleBackground       "grey80"
  TitleForeground       "Black"
  MenuBackground        "grey70"
  MenuForeground        "Black"
  MenuTitleBackground   "DarkSlateBlue"
  MenuTitleForeground   "grey20"
  IconBackground        "grey70"
  IconForeground        "grey10"
  IconBorderColor       "grey30"
  IconManagerBackground "grey70"
  IconManagerForeground "grey10"
  MapWindowBackground   "grey70"
  MapWindowForeground   "grey10"

IconManagerDontShow {   # do not display these windows in the icon manager

NoTitle {               # do not place a title bar on these windows
  "TWM Icon Manager"

NoBorder {
  "TWM Icon Manager"

OccupyAll {

# NoIconTitle {                         # don't put title under icons
                                        # optional winlist
# }

StartIconified {
  "Save file"

Occupy                                  # always move this app. to the same
{                                       # workspace?
  "Netscape"  {"Web"}
  "Mozilla"   {"Web"}
  "Emacs"     {"Emacs"}
  "mutt"      {"Mail"}
  "Gimp"      {"Gimp"}


# Define some useful functions for motion-based actions.
MoveDelta 3
Function "move-or-lower"     { f.move f.deltastop f.lower   }
Function "move-or-raise"     { f.move f.deltastop f.raise   }
Function "move-or-iconify"   { f.move f.deltastop f.iconify }

Function "movetoworkspace_1" { f.addtoworkspace "Term"  f.vanish }
Function "movetoworkspace_2" { f.addtoworkspace "Web"   f.vanish }
Function "movetoworkspace_3" { f.addtoworkspace "Mail"  f.vanish }
Function "movetoworkspace_4" { f.addtoworkspace "Emacs" f.vanish }
Function "movetoworkspace_5" { f.addtoworkspace "Gimp"  f.vanish }
Function "movetoworkspace_6" { f.addtoworkspace "Root"  f.vanish }

# And a menus with the usual things

menu "defops" {
    "Main Menu"                 f.title
    "Debian"                    f.menu "/Debian"
    ""                          f.separator
    "Show Icon Manager"         f.showiconmgr
    "Hide Icon Manager"         f.hideiconmgr
    ""                          f.separator
    "Show WorkSpace Manager"    f.showworkspacemgr
    "Hide WorkSpace Manager"    f.hideworkspacemgr
    ""                          f.separator
    "Refresh screen"            f.refresh
    ""                          f.separator
    "Exit"                      f.menu "Quit-Verify"

menu "Quit-Verify" {
    "Really quit ctwm?"         f.title
    "No, restart ctwm"          f.restart
    "Yes, really quit"          f.quit

menu "windowops" {
    "Window Ops"                f.title
    "Occupy..."                 f.occupy
    "Occupy All"                f.occupyall
    "Vanish"                    f.vanish
    ""                          f.separator
    "(De)Iconify"               f.iconify
    "Refresh"                   f.winrefresh
    "Info..."                   f.identify
    ""                          f.separator
    "Resize"                    f.resize
    "(Un)Squeeze"               f.squeeze
    "Zoom"                      f.menu "zoomops"
    ""                          f.separator
    "Move"                      f.move
    "Pack move"                 f.movepack
    "Push move"                 f.movepush
    ""                          f.separator
    "Restart animations"        f.startanimation
    "Freeze animations"         f.stopanimation
    ""                          f.separator
    "Close"                     f.delete
    "Kill"                      f.destroy

menu "zoomops" {
    "Zoom Ops"                  f.title
    "Full zoom"                 f.fullzoom
    "Horizontal zoom"           f.horizoom
    "Vertical zoom"             f.zoom
    "Top zoom"                  f.topzoom
    "Bottom zoom"               f.bottomzoom
    "Left zoom"                 f.leftzoom
    "Right zoom"                f.rightzoom

menu "clone_menu" {
    "move to 'Term'"      f.function "movetoworkspace_1"
    "move to 'Web'"       f.function "movetoworkspace_2"
    "move to 'Mail'"      f.function "movetoworkspace_3"
    "move to 'Emacs'"     f.function "movetoworkspace_4"
    "move to 'Gimp'"      f.function "movetoworkspace_5"
    "move to 'Root'"      f.function "movetoworkspace_6"
    "" f.separator
    "copy to 'Term'"      f.addtoworkspace "Term"
    "copy to 'Web'"       f.addtoworkspace "Web"
    "copy to 'Mail'"      f.addtoworkspace "Mail"
    "copy to 'Emacs'"     f.addtoworkspace "Emacs"
    "copy to 'Gimp'"      f.addtoworkspace "Gimp"
    "copy to 'Root'"      f.addtoworkspace "Root"



"F1" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Term"
"F2" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Web"
"F3" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Mail"
"F4" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Emacs"
"F5" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Gimp"
"F6" = m : all : f.gotoworkspace "Root"
"Tab"     = m   : all  : f.circleup
"Tab"     = m3  : all  : f.circledown

Button1 =       : root          : f.menu "defops"
Button2 =       : root          : f.menu "windowops"
Button3 =       : root          : f.exec "aterm &"

Button1 = m     : window|icon   : f.function "move-or-lower"
Button2 = m     : window|icon   : f.iconify
Button3 = m     : window|icon   : f.function "move-or-raise"

Button1 =       : title         : f.function "move-or-raise"
Button2 =       : title         : f.raiselower

Button1 =       : icon          : f.function "move-or-iconify"
Button2 =       : icon          : f.iconify

Button1 =       : iconmgr       : f.iconify
Button2 =       : iconmgr       : f.iconify

Button1 =       : frame         : f.resize
Button1 = m     : frame         : f.move
Button2 =       : frame         : f.raiselower


NoDefaults # not use default buttons

LeftTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmenu-m.xbm"=f.menu "windowops"
LeftTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmenu-c.xbm"=f.menu "clone_menu"
RightTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Msqueeze.xbm"=f.squeeze
RightTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmax-h.xbm"=f.hzoom
RightTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmax-v.xbm"=f.zoom
RightTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmax-a.xbm"=f.fullzoom
RightTitleButton  "HOME/.ctwm/Mmin.xbm" = f.iconify
RightTitleButton "HOME/.ctwm/Mresize.xbm"    = f.resize
RightTitleButton "HOME/.ctwm/Mkill-x.xbm"=f.deleteordestroy

TitleButtonBorderWidth 0
TitleButtonShadowDepth 0
TitleShadowDepth 1
NoTitleFocus                            # keyboard input at pointer
TitleButtonShadowDepth     1
TitleShadowDepth           1
TitleButtonBorderWidth     1

TitlePadding               4             # frame around TBobjects?
ButtonIndent               0             # indentated TBbuttons?         
FramePadding               1             # frame around TB?


BorderWidth                1
ThreeDBorderWidth          2
Borderwidth                2
BorderShadowDepth          1

define(IRegion, translit(eval(WIDTH/3)*eval(HEIGHT/2)+eval(WIDTH-WIDTH/3)-0, *, x))
IconRegion  "IRegion" NORTH EAST 30 30

ForceIcons                              # use icons put below, not default
IconifyByUnmapping                      # no icon when iconified
# NoRaiseOnDeiconify                    # raise deiconified wins?
# AutoRaiseIcons                        # raise icons when under cursor
# IconDirectory           ""            # dir. for bitmapI
IconJustification         "center"      # where put image/title?
MaxIconTitleWidth         80
IconBorderWidth           0             # frame around I?
# UnknownIcon             ""            # bitmap to use for unknown?
SchrinkIconTitles                       # shrink icon titles a'la Motif

# Where on the screen to put icons and how to place them.
# IconRegion                "140x684+0+0"   North East 130 90  { }
# IconRegion                "140x684+140+0" North East 130 90  { }
IconRegionAlignement     "bottom"
IconRegionJustification  "center"

ShowIconManager                         # activate/deactivate IM
# NoIconManagers                        # activate/deactivate IM
SortIconManager                         # sorts alphabetically
# NoCaseSensitive                       # sort with case?
IconManagerShadowDepth    1
NoIconManagerFocus                      # !focus the win under cursor in IM
# Icon Manager Geometry:  Size: Columns:
IconManagerGeometry                     "150x50-1+1" 1
MaxIconTitleWidth 100
Zoom 8

MenuShadowDepth            1             # how big shadow? (1 looks good)
MenuShadowColor            "grey15"
IconManagerShadowDepth     1

# StartInMapState 
WorkSpaceManagerGeometry   "150x75-0-0" 3
WMgrButtonShadowDepth      2
WMgrHorizButtonIndent      2
WMgrVertButtonIndent       2

IconJustification "center"
TitleJustification "center"

#Button1  =   : title    : f.altcontext
#DoubleButton1  =   : alter    : f.squeeze
Button1 = c : root : f.menu "TwmWindows"