VueJs + Firebase
I'm starting to use VueJS with Firebase (and VueFire), but I'm starting to struggle a bit about how to structure the data.
My case is pretty simple.
I have a list of suppliers and a list of products.
A product can only be linked to one supplier, and a supplier can have multiple products.
And I have different views :
- List of all products for all suppliers
- List of products for one supplier
- Detail of one product with the supplier.
For the 1st and 2nd views, I have no issue with the following structure
products - productKey1 - name : Product1 - productKey2 - name : Product2 supplier-products: - supplierKey1 - productKey1 - name : Product1 - supplierKey2 - productKey2 - name : Product2 supplier: - supplierKey1 - name : Supplier1 - supplierKey2 - name : Supplier2I can easily show a list of all products from "/products" and for each supplier from "supplier-products/supplierKey"
But what about a view with the product detail + the supplier detail.
What is the best way to do that ?
- Adding the supplier information into each products ?
- Add a kind of foreign key into products ?
- Another way to do it ?
Thanks for your help.
While passing data from parent to child, it passes but view doesn't get updated
I have a a root and a child component. I am trying to pass data using the props from parent to child.
<div id="root"> <my-component> v-bind:valObj='valObjItems'> </my-component> </div> Vue.component('money-manager-section', { props: ['accountTypes'], data() { return { accounts: Object.assign({},this.accountTypes) } }, template: ` <div v-for="x in accounts"></div> // I kept it short for this line. It returns 0 ` }Through Vue debugger extension, I can see my-component has the accountTypes but id doesn't show.
The object structure is like this:
var obj = { 1 : { "a", "z", "k", "m" } 2 : { "a", "b", "c", "d" } }And in my main app,
var app = new Vue({ el: '#root', data: { accountTypes : {}, }, // And these are what I use for push and delete: methods : { pushValue(key, value) { var obj = this.accountTypes if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var idx = $.inArray(value, obj[key]); if (idx == -1) { obj[key].push(value); } } else { obj[key] = [value]; } }, removeFromArray(key, val) { var idx = $.inArray(val, this.accountTypes[key]); if (idx != -1) { this.accountTypes[key].splice(idx, 1); } } }Set input[text] value according to radio button
I'm trying to set the value of an input corresponding to the selected radio button, but I just can't figure out how.
<input type="text" class="input" name="provider" v-model="selected_provider"> <b-radio-group v-model="provider_options"> <div class="field"> <template v-for="provider in providers"> <b-radio name="select_provider[]" id="provider_@{{ $index }}" model="selected_provider" value="provider" type="radio"> @{{ provider.provider_name }} </b-radio> </template> </div> </b-radio-group>I've managed to get an array to display and that the input shows whatever is written in selected_provider, but I just don't know how to link those together.
var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { selected_provider: '', providers: [ { provider_name: 'Twitch', provider_url: '' }, { provider_name: 'Smashcast', provider_url: '' }, { provider_name: 'AzubuFrost', provider_url: '' } ] }, });furthermore I'd like to attach the value of
<input type="text" class="input" name="name" id="name">to the end of provider_url in selected_provider
Is someone so kind to help me?
Vue.js Use mounted in v-for
I want to run a method inside a v-for in my Vue component. Example:
<div v-for="(foo,index) in bar> <p>{{myMethod(foo,index)}}</p> </div>When I do this the p-tag just stays empty. Here is my method:
myMethod:function(foo,index){ //do something with foo and index return SomethingWithFooAndIndex }When I alert( SomethingWithFooAndIndex), the browser is showing exactly what I need. So do you guys have any idea why the p tag stays empty?
Vuejs - How to get global variable in store mutation
I am getting error about using vue-i18n dependance.
How should i get the const i18n from main.js to root.js (store)
I am using
- Vuejs 2.X
- Vue-i18n latest
- Vuex For Vuejs 2.X
In main.js (vue-cli)
Vue.use(VueI18n) const i18n = new VueI18n({ locale: 'en', messages: { en: { message: en }, cn: { message: cn } } }) new Vue({ store, el: '#app', i18n, router, template: '<App/>', components: { App } })In root.js (store)
export const mutations = { [types.SET_LANGUAGE] (state, data) { console.log(i18n.locale) // 'i18n' is not defined localStorage.setItem('language', data) }, }Vuex + Typescript
I am converting a JavaScript project to TypeScript. However I am getting a type error when trying to make Vue use Vuex.
import Vue from "vue"; import Vuex from "vuex"; Vue.use(Vuex);It looks like the problem is that vuex does not provide type definitions like vuejs does?
Because I also have to set
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": truein my tsconfig.json.
How can I solve this problem and make Vue.use accept Vuex as the correct type?
Vue.js render child component to variable to be used within component
I'm using webpack and vue.js 2 and vue-google-maps. I have an issue where i need to pass to a google maps component via a prop a rendered vue-template.
<gmap-info-window :options="infoOptions" :position="infoWindowPos" :opened="infoWinOpen" :content="infoContent" @closeclick="infoWinOpen=false"> </gmap-info-window>i need to pass to the :content prop. something along the lines of this:
<p> Some Name <a :href="some.url" target="_blank" @click="myFunction('param1', $, param2)">some link</a> <p>basically i need infoContent to be the vue compiled version of the above. I can get the template e.g. by doing:
this.infoContent = myTemplate;but that only gets me the raw unrendered version of the template if i add .render() to that i start getting errors about _vm._self is undefined"
Check if json array is empty at store vuex
I want to show a button if my array of object has some data, so basilcy in my store(vuex) i defined a array like this:
state: { document: [] },i append data to this array from other components and i already checked that the data is appending right, no problem here.
So i want to show the button just if there is some data:
<div class="row margin-above"> <div class="panel panel-primary" v-for="section in this.$store.getters.getDocument"> <div class="panel-body quote" > <p>{{section.key}}</p> </div> </div> <div v-if="this.$store.getters.getDocument != '[]'"> <button class="btn btn-success btn-block">Create Document</button> </div> </div>there is the button, i want to hide the whole div with the button if the condition matches, but it is not working the button is always there, any help?
How can you dynamically render custom components in Vue using JSX? Please as soon as possible.Thanks
For example, the dynamic render drop-down box has default values and can also toggle the value of the drop down box?
VueJs renders all elements upon a single change
I have the following sample grid in which I push some new values to the bound list.
Press anywhere in the grid to push a new value to the grid.
As you can see in the fiddle, the updated cell will have a green color for 500 ms, and all the re-rendered elements will have yellow color.
The question is how we should configure Vue component so that it only re-render the changed element instead of them all?
If you look at the fiddle console output, you will see numbers like (13001, 26001, ...) and this equals to the number of all cells (1000 rows x 13 columns).
.yellow { background-color: yellow; } .pushed { background-color: lightgreen } <script src=""> var globalCount = 0; </script> <head> <title>Vue Render Performance</title> </head> <div id="demo"> <demo-grid :data="gridData" :columns="gridColumns"> </demo-grid> </div> <script type="text/x-template" id="grid-template"> <table @click="pushData()"> <thead> <tr> <th v-for="key in columns"> {{key}} </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="(entry, i) in data"> <td v-for="(key, j) in columns" :id="'a'+i +'_'+j"> {{renderMe(entry[key], 'a'+i +'_'+j)}} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </script> <script> const data = newData(1000); var renderedCount = 0; var startTime =; Vue.component('demo-grid', { props: { data: Array, columns: Array, renderCount: Object, }, template: '#grid-template', methods: { renderMe(el, id) { const elm = document.getElementById(id); if (elm) { elm.className += " yellow"; } if (!renderedCount) { renderedCount = 0 } else { renderedCount++; } return el; }, pushData() { debugger var push = function() { let cols = ["Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5", "Col6", "Col7", "Col8", "Col9", "Col10", "Col11", "Col12", "Col13"]; var t0 =; for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) { let newVal = Math.random() * 10000, row = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000), cellIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cols.length); cell = cols[cellIndex]; if (data[row]) data[row][cell] = newVal; var el = document.querySelector('tbody tr:nth-child(' + row + ') td:nth-child(' + cellIndex + ')'); if (el) { el.className = 'pushed'; el.scrollIntoView(); var t = function() { if (el) { el.className = ''; } clearTimeout(t); }; setTimeout(t, 500); } console.log('pushed to cell [' + row + ',' + cellIndex + '] :' + newVal); console.log('Rendered Count: ' + renderedCount) renderedCount++; }; var t1 =; console.log(t1 - t0) }; push(); } } }); // bootstrap the demo var demo = new Vue({ el: '#demo', data: { searchQuery: '', gridColumns: ["Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5", "Col6", "Col7", "Col8", "Col9", "Col10", "Col11", "Col12", "Col13"], gridData: data } }) Vue.config.devtools = true; function newData(count) { const data = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { data.push({ Col1: "Record", Col2: 818959475, Col3: 467587749, Col4: 438, Col5: 439, Col6: 440, Col7: 2.1, Col8: 436.2, Col9: 2.4, Col10: 5770, Col11: 5771, Col12: 5772, Col13: 5773 }); } return data; } </script>
Absolute path in vueJS
I'm working in a vue file inside of a Symfony project and I want to find the absolute path from a route. Usually i do something like that :
this.$http({ url: 'products/edit/', method: 'PUT', params : params [...]and it works great. But now i don't need to use this.$http because i'm trying to do that :
<div> {{ getUrl(product) }} </div>and I have my fonction :
getUrl(product) : { let url = '/products/edit' return url }but obviously it only display : /products/edit/xxx instead of in production or localhost/products/edit/xxx in local. In my routing file I have :
update_product: path: /products/edit/{product} defaults: { _controller: RBProductsBundle:Product:edit }Content Security Policy error with Vue JS, Webpack and JSP
I am trying to integrate Vue JS in one of my application with latest version 2.4.2.Backend implementation uses struts and we set Content-Security-Policy script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' in response headers.
At first I was trying to use standalone Vue JS instead of using webpack or any other tool. I see the following CSP error when I execute my page using Vue JS :
[Vue warn]: It seems you are using the standalone build of Vue.js in an environment with Content Security Policy that prohibits unsafe-eval. The template compiler cannot work in this environment. Consider relaxing the policy to allow unsafe-eval or pre-compiling your templates into render functions.
warn — vue.min.js:485 compileToFunctions — vue.min.js:9842 $mount — vue.min.js:10040 Global Code — avoid this issue, I have started using webpack to pre-compile the templates so that the issue will be resolved and I still see the below error in webpack JS :
EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'".
Is there any solution to use webpack / Vue JS with CSP's enabled ? What is the suitable solution to handle CSP issues.
Sample Example : Vue is not detected when JSP is loaded through struts
Thanks for your help in advance.
Vuejs / axios child component not passing through object
I have the following components:
Inside the Users component I have the following:
<script> export default { data() { return { address: null } } } </script>Inside the view, I have the following (calling the child component)
<partials-addresses source="/users" title="Users Address" @addressChanged="address = $event" placement="address" />This is then sent to an endpoint (using axios):
submitForm: function() { var vm = this; console.log(vm.address); // is fine, returns the object`/users`, { address: vm.address }); }The issue is that when I'm outputting the data on the endpoint side, I'm just getting an empty array. I'm using another child component and this sends data through fine, it's just the address one.
Could it be because of the way the data is formatted?
v-if, v-for breaking dependent selects logic
I'm trying to implement dependent selects using Vue.js (last version), but my app logic breaks when I have a few v-for and v-if. I can't understand where is my mistake. Please, help me solve the problem.
Click Toggle !pickup and try to change District select and you'll see issue. You can also delete div with v-if="!cartPage.pickup" or change v-if to v-show, and you can see, everything is working..
Here is my code
var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { userInfo: { loggedIn: false, }, cartPage: { pickup: false, restaurants: {}, currentCity: '', currentDistrict: '', currentRestaurant: '', }, }, methods: { setDefaultDistrict: function() { this.cartPage.currentDistrict = this.cartPage.currentCity.districts[0]; this.setDefaultRestaurant(); }, setDefaultRestaurant: function() { this.cartPage.currentRestaurant = this.cartPage.currentDistrict.restaurants[0]; }, }, }) vm.cartPage.restaurants = [{ city: "City 1", districts: [{ districtName: "City 1 district 1", restaurants: [{ placeName: "City 1 district 1 Restaurant 1", name: 'City 1 district 1 Restaurant 1', address: 'City 1 district 1 Restaurant 1', hours: '10:00–22:00', }, { placeName: "City 1 district 1 Restaurant 2", name: 'City 1 district 1 Restaurant 2', address: 'City 1 district 1 Restaurant 2', hours: '10:00–20:00', }] }, { districtName: "City 1 district 2", restaurants: [{ placeName: "City 1 district 2 Restaurant 1", name: 'City 1 district 2 Restaurant 1', address: 'City 1 district 2 Restaurant 1', hours: '12:00–22:00', }, { placeName: "City 1 district 2 Restaurant 2", name: 'City 1 district 2 Restaurant 2', address: 'City 1 district 2 Restaurant 2', hours: '12:00–22:00', }] } ], }, { city: "City 2", districts: [{ districtName: "City 2 district 1", restaurants: [{ placeName: "City 2 district 1 Restaurant 1", name: 'City 2 district 1 Restaurant 1', address: 'City 2 district 1 Restaurant 1', hours: '10:00–22:00', }, { placeName: "City 2 district 1 Restaurant 2", name: 'City 2 district 1 Restaurant 2', address: 'City 2 district 1 Restaurant 2', hours: '10:00–20:00', }] }, { districtName: "City 2 district 2", restaurants: [{ placeName: "City 2 district 2 Restaurant 1", name: 'City 2 district 2 Restaurant 1', address: 'City 2 district 2 Restaurant 1', hours: '12:00–22:00', }, { placeName: "City 2 district 2 Restaurant 2", name: 'City 2 district 2 Restaurant 2', address: 'City 2 district 2 Restaurant 2', hours: '12:00–22:00', }] } ], }, { city: "City 3", districts: [{ districtName: "City 3 district 1", restaurants: [{ placeName: "City 3 district 1 Restaurant 1", name: 'City 3 district 1 Restaurant 1', address: 'City 3 district 1 Restaurant 1', hours: '10:00–22:00', }, ] }, ], }, ] vm.cartPage.currentCity = vm.cartPage.restaurants[0]; vm.cartPage.currentDistrict = vm.cartPage.currentCity.districts[0]; vm.cartPage.currentRestaurant = vm.cartPage.currentDistrict.restaurants[0]; .custom-radio { display: block; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #000; cursor: pointer; } <script src=""></script> <div id="app"> <div class="cart__delivery-and-pay"> <h2 class="cart__delivery-and-pay--title">Heading</h2> <div class="delivery__block"> <div class="delivery__block-header cf"> <div class="delivery__variants"><span @click="cartPage.pickup = false" v-bind:class="{ 'active': !cartPage.pickup }" class="courier custom-radio">Toggle pickup</span><span @click="cartPage.pickup = true" v-bind:class="{ 'active': cartPage.pickup }" class="pickup custom-radio">Toggle !pickup</span></div> </div> <div class="delivery__cols"> <!-- if delete this everything is working! --> <div v-if="!cartPage.pickup" class="delivery__col delivery__address"> <div class="delivery__col-heading">Address: <div class="custom-select__wrapper item__option"> <select class="custom-select"> <optgroup label="Choose city"> <option value="1" v-for="singleCity in cartPage.restaurants">{{ }}</option> </optgroup> </select> </div> </div> </div> <!-- if delete this everything is working! --> <div v-if="cartPage.pickup" class="delivery__col delivery__address"> <div class="delivery__col-heading">Address: <div class="custom-select__wrapper item__option delivery__address-city"> <select v-model="cartPage.currentCity" @change="setDefaultDistrict" class="custom-select"> <option v-for="singleCity in cartPage.restaurants" v-bind:value="singleCity" v-bind:selected=" == ? true : false">{{ }}</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="delivery__row delivery__row-flex-start">District <div class="custom-select__wrapper item__option"> <select v-model="cartPage.currentDistrict" @change="setDefaultRestaurant" class="custom-select"> <option v-for="singleDistrict in cartPage.currentCity.districts" v-bind:value="singleDistrict">{{ singleDistrict.districtName }}</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="delivery__row delivery__row-flex-start">Restaurant: <div class="custom-select__wrapper item__option"> <select v-model="cartPage.currentRestaurant" class="custom-select"> <option v-for="singleRestaurant in cartPage.currentDistrict.restaurants" v-bind:value="singleRestaurant">{{ singleRestaurant.placeName }}</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="delivery__row delivery__row-flex-start delivery__row--last-row"><span v-if="cartPage.currentRestaurant" class="delivery__row-note">{{ cartPage.currentRestaurant.address }}, {{ cartPage.currentRestaurant.hours }} ч.</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Vue route is not render data property of vue instance in vue js
I’m facing a problem in vue route. The problem is vue route is not render data property 'people' of vue js instance. Please guide me what is the problem here. Here is my code.
Console Error:
Property or method "people" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option.
and also my running code available here:JsFiddle Code
<body> <div id="vue-app"> <router-link to='/create'>Create employee</router-link> <!-- router outlet --> <router-view></router-view> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/x-template" id="create_template"> <div> <div v-for="person in people "> <p v-text=""></p> </div> <p>create display here </p> </div> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> const create_or_edit = { template: '#create_template' }; const routes = [ {path: '/create', component: create_or_edit,}, ]; const router = new VueRouter({ routes: routes, }); const app = new Vue({ router: router, data(){ return { people: [ {name: "Ali"}, {name: "Kamran"}, {name: "Qaiser"}, ], } } }).$mount('#vue-app') </script>How to update the values in vue.js?
I am in the need of edit and update the values using vue.js,
For which i have used the edit to get the values and i am able to edit but whereas i am unable to update .
Update Click button:
<span><button type="submit" @click="updateItems" name="add" class="btn btn-default hidden-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Save"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i><span class="hidden-sm hidden-xs"> Save</span></button></span>Script of Edit:
<script> import config from '../../../config'; export default { data(){ return{ items: [], itemsData:{ room_id : '', start_date : '', end_date : '', package_id : '', price : '', child_price : '', discount : '', discount_type : '', people : '', price_sup : '', fixed_sup : '', tax_id : '', taxes : '' }, errors: { } } }, created: function() { this.fetchRates(this.$; }, methods:{ fetchRates(id){ axios.get(config.apiDomain+'/Rates/'+id+'/edit').then((response)=>this.itemsData =; }, updateItems(e){ axios.put(config.apiDomain+'/Rates/'+this.$, this.itemsData).then(response=>{ // this.this.itemsData = ""; this.$router.push('/admin/rates'); }).catch(error=>{ this.errors =; }); } }, mounted() { axios.get(config.apiDomain+'/Rates').then((response)=>this.items =; } } </script>Update Controller:
public function update(Request $request, $id) { echo $id; return 'hi'; $rows = Rates::findOrFail($id); $this->validate($request, [ 'room_id' => 'required', 'start_date' => 'required', 'end_date' => 'required', 'price' => 'required' ]); $input = $request->all(); $rows->fill($input)->save(); Session::flash('flash_message', 'Rates successfully Updated!'); }It was throwing the error as,
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost/booking/booking-api/public/Rates/1. Method PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response.and also,
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined at eval (RatesEdit.vue?5784:221)Kindly give me a better solution that solves my issue.. I am able to do edit but unable to update the edited values by clicking save button..
Vue TypeError: Cannot read property 'message' of undefined
I am new to Vue.js and i'm building a rather simplistic chat from a tutorial and I got this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'message' of undefined
I did set message as a prop but I can't understand why it's undefined.
<template lang="html"> <div class="chat-message"> <p>{{ message.message }}</p> <small>{{ message.user }}</small> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: ['message'] } </script> <style lang="css"> .chat-message { padding: 1rem; } .chat-message > p{ margin-bottom: .5rem; } </style>app.js
require('./bootstrap'); window.Vue = require('vue'); Vue.component('example', require('./components/Example.vue')); Vue.component('chat-message', require('./components/ChatMessage.vue')); Vue.component('chat-log', require('./components/ChatLog.vue')); Vue.component('chat-composer', require('./components/ChatComposer.vue')); const app = new Vue({ el: '#app' });chat.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>chat!</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <h1>Chat Room</h1> <chat-message></chat-message> <chat-log></chat-log> <chat-composer v-on:messagesent="addMessage"></chat-composer> </div> <script src="js/app.js" charset="UTF-8"></script> </body> </html>Please note that vue is connected via Laravel, all is working fine, yet i'm getting this error which i'm trying to find out how or where would I define message.
Thanks, Bud
pass a variable inside an array to update that variable dynamically - in Vue.js
i'm trying to change variables dynamically so as not to use too many switch statements. i was hoping to do this:
this.variable1 = 2 this.variable2 = 3 var array1 = [this.variable1, this.variable2]and then later do
array1[0] = 25 array1[1] = 12 console.log(array1[0]) //would output 25 console.log(array1[1]) // would output 12of course it this is not what happens which is normal but how can i achieve that dynamically? There must be a way i'm sure.
How can I display modal in modal on vue component?
My view blade like this :
<a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-block btn-success" @click="modalShow('modal-data')"> Click here </a> <data-modal id="modal-data"></data-modal>If the button clicked, it will call dataModal component (In the form of modal)
dataModal component like this :
<template> <div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <!-- modal content data --> <div class="modal-content modal-content-data"> <form id="form"> <div class="modal-body"> ... </div> ... <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" @click="add"> Save </button> ... </form> </div> <!-- modal content success --> <div class="modal-content modal-content-success" style="display: none"> <div class="modal-body"> ... </div> </div> <!-- modal content failed --> <div class="modal-content modal-content-failed" style="display: none"> <div class="modal-body"> ... </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default{ ... methods:{ add(event){ const data = { ... } this.$store.dispatch('add', data) .then((response) => { if(response == true) this.$parent.$options.methods.modalContent('#modal-data', '.modal-content-success') else this.$parent.$options.methods.modalContent('#modal-data', '.modal-content-failed') }) .catch(error => { console.log('error') }); } } } </script>If response = true then modal with class = modal-content-success will appear
If response = false then modal with class = modal-content-failed will appear
I want if response = false, modal with class = modal-content-data still showing. So modal with class = modal-content-failed appears in modal with class class = modal-content-data
How can I do that?
How to order that when response = false, modal with class = modal-content-data still appear?
Vuejs - How to render vnodes of child components when using slots
How does one render vnodes from a parent component of its child components. I have a render function that is looping through an array of children found in this.$slots.default. The aim is to wrap the children in li tags.
The problem is that the children components don't render and I get empty li tags. What am I missing here and where can the solution be found in the documentation. The Fiddle Can be found here And the embedded code is below.
// Parent component const MyParent = Vue.component('my-parent', { render: function(createElement) { var parentContent = createElement('h2', "These are Parent's Children:") var myChildren = this.$ { //console.log("Child: ", child) return createElement( 'li', child ) }) var content = [].concat(parentContent, myChildren) return createElement( 'div', {}, content ) } }); // Child Component const MyChild = Vue.component('my-child', { template: '<h3>I am a child</h3>' }); // Application Instance new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { MyParent, MyChild } }) <script src=""></script> <div id="app"> <my-parent> <my-child></my-child> <my-child></my-child> </my-parent> </div>