npm install within Vagrant box but sudo npm run dev error
I installed npm in the Vagrant box, and when I tried to start the project, the error occurred. The error is as follows:
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ sudo npm run dev npm ERR! Linux 3.13.0-121-generic npm ERR! argv "/opt/node-v6.11.2-linux-x64/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "run" "dev" npm ERR! node v6.11.2 npm ERR! npm v3.10.10 npm ERR! path /home/vagrant/package.json npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! errno -2 npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vagrant/package.json' npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/vagrant/package.json' npm ERR! enoent This is most likely not a problem with npm itself npm ERR! enoent and is related to npm not being able to find a file. npm ERR! enoent npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /home/vagrant/npm-debug.logmy Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "~/Dev/WebstormProjects/" "private_network", ip: "" config.vm.synced_folder "../web-admin", "/vagrant_data" endPlease help me, and thank you
Access component computed properties
Vue components exposes this.$data. Is there any way to access computed properties in a similar fashion?
They are not exposed on $data, and there is no such thing as this.$computed
Show child component when promise data is exists and also render the data in child omponent
I am trying to implement search component for my application, parent component have the search text box and button. When the user provide some value i want to send the data to api and show the result in child component. I am bit confused where to call the api and also how to populate the data in child component. Also, initially my child component should not render in the parent component, when the search get some result then it can render. Please help me how to implement a search functionality in vue js 2.
Parent Component
<template> <div><h3> Search </h3></div> <div class="row"> <form role="search"> <div class="form-group col-lg-6 col-md-6"> <input type="text" v-model="searchKey" class="form-control"> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6"> <button type="button" id="btn2" class="btn btn-danger btn-md" v-on:click="getInputValue">Search</button> </div> </form> </div> <result :searchdataShow='searchData'></result> </template> <script> import resultView from './result' export default { components: { 'result': resultView }, data () { return { searchKey: null, searchData: null } }, methods: { getInputValue: function(e) { console.log(this.searchKey) if(this.searchKey && this.searchKey != null) { this.$http.get('url').then((response) => { console.log( this.searchData = }) } } } </script>Search Result component(child component)
<template> <div> <div class="row"><h3> Search Results</h3></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: ['searchdataShow'] } </script>Is VueJS guaranteed to call mounted() in correct order?
Let's say I have a basic page with VueJS as follows:
Vue.component('child', { template: '<p>Placed at index {{index}}</p>', data() { return { index: 0 } }, mounted() { this.index = this.$parent.addElement(this); } }); new Vue({ el: '#theParent', data() { return { allElements: [] } }, methods: { addElement(elem) { this.allElements.push(elem); return this.allElements.length - 1; } } }); <script src=""></script> <div id="theParent"> <child></child> <child></child> <child></child> </div>
The purpose of the output is just to illustrate at what index the elements have been inserted at. My use case requires that the elements are added in the same order that they appear in the HTML. Every time I run this page it appears that this is indeed happening as the output is in order.
My question is: Is this behavior guaranteed to always happen - will VueJS always execute mounted() on components in the order they appear in the HTML? If not, is there an alternate way to guarantee that they are added to my array in the proper order?
VueJS extend component: remove parent's property
I have two Vue components, one extends the other:
// CompA.vue export default { props: { value1: Object, }, data: function () { return { value2: 'hello2 from A', value3: 'hello3 from A' } } } // CompB.vue import CompA from './CompA.vue'; export default { extends: CompA, props: { value4: Object }, data: function(){ return { value2: 'hello2 from B' } } }As described in the docs, CompB's options are merged into CompA's, resulting:
{ props: { value1: Object, value4: Object }, data: function () { return { value2: 'hello2 from B', value3: 'hello3 from A' } } }However my desired result is having property value1 removed:
{ props: { value4: Object }, data: function () { return { value2: 'hello2 from B', value3: 'hello3 from A' } } }I think it should be possible using Custom Option Merge Strategies
But even if I return null or undefined, the property isn't removed. = function(parentVal, childVal) { return null; };Is it even possible to such thing? If yes, how?
Including JS file in Vue.js 2 component
I have a JS file from here that I'd like to include in my single-file component.
I can't include the script tag in my template section, as that results in an error.
I also tried:
require('/static/sql.js'); import '/static/sql.js'etc. following the instructions here.
in the script section of my .vue file, but those either complained that the file couldn't be found, or that the dependency wasn't installed. It's a large JS file (2 MB) so I'd prefer that it not be compiled by Vuejs/webpack. If I do an 'import', what function do I import from sql.js?
Should I instead install the node version of the sql.js library, along with its fs dependency? I would like to serve this as a static webpage, so I don't know if it makes sense to have the 'fs' module in there.
I'm currently just including the script tag in the index.html of my entire app, but would prefer that it just be loaded when I need this specific component.
VueJS Binding same variable to multiple of the same component
Let's say I have a basic page with VueJS as follows:
Vue.component('child', { template: '<p>{{message}}</p>', props: ["message"] }); new Vue({ el: '#theParent', data() { return { message: "It works!" } } }); <script src=""></script> <div id="theParent"> <child v-bind:message="message"></child> <child v-bind:message="message"></child> <child v-bind:message="message"></child> </div>
The message It works! shows up three times as expected, but if I remove v-bind:message="message" on my <child> components it doesn't work. As all my <child> components will require the value of message from the parent, is there a way to specify this once in the VueJS component declaration rather than each time in the HTML when adding a <child>?
How does Vue.js select `v-on:click` selector?
I'm trying to replicate Vue.js just for learning purposes.
In very basic terms I can do this
<button v-on-click="reverseMessage">Reverse Message</button> var element = document.querySelectorAll('[v-on-click]')[0]But I'm very interested to know how they select v-on:click
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '[v-on:click]' is not a valid selector.How to integrate Vue.js with ASP.NET Core?
I need to develop an application in ASP.NET MVC Core with Vue.js views.
How should I setup my application to work with both technologies?
Event from a child component isn't detected
Based on the tree view sample ( on Vue , I reorganize its code as the followings: in a parent component
<ul> <item class="item" :model="treeData" v-on:changeType="changeTypeEvent"></item> </ul> ... <script> ... methods: { changeTypeEvent: function () { console.log('Incoming event ' ) } ... </script>In its child component,
<li> <div :class="{bold: isFolder}" @click="toggle" @dblclick.once="changeType"> {{}} <span v-if="isFolder">[{{open ? '-' : '+'}}]</span> </div> <ul v-show="open" v-if="isFolder"> <item class="item" v-for="model in model.children" v-bind:key="" :model="model"> </item> <li class="add" @click="addChild">+</li> </ul> </li> ... <script> ... changeType: function () { if (!this.isFolder) { console.log('Double click ') this.$emit('changeType') } },For some reason, the event is not detected in the parent component. I have a working code with the same structure. Why doesn't it work in this case?
Wordpress PHP variable to Vue Component
I am currently building a Wordpress theme and i would like to incorporate Vue.js (2.0) into it. However i need to be able to pass variables from Wordpress to Vue, such as page or post content. Currently i am attempting to return the page content.
I attempted it with this method too but this didn't seem to work either: Pass php variable to vue component instance
In the page template i have the following:
<content inline-template :content="{{ $content }}"> <div id="content" class=""> </div> </content>The component:
Vue.component('content', { props: ['content'] }); new Vue({ el: "#app" });How to disable v-select options dynamically in Vuejs
I'm trying to build an application on VueJs 2.0 where I'm having following codes
<div class="col-sm-6"> <label class="col-sm-6 control-label">With client*:</label> <div class="radio col-sm-3"> <input type="radio" name="with_client" v-model="withClient" value="1" checked=""> <label> Yes </label> </div> <div class="radio col-sm-3"> <input type="radio" name="with_client" v-model="withClient" value="0"> <label> No </label> </div> </div>I want to disable v-select element if v-model withClient = 0 and enable withClient= 1
<v-select multiple :options="contacts" :on-search="getOptions" placeholder="Contact name" v-model="contactParticipants"></v-select>VueJS: changing number of paginate values?
My problem is: I'm trying to do a pagination function to my datatable, it works fine but when I change the limit of items in my table, the total of pages doesn't update. How can I proceed? I have this filter:
filters: { paginate: function(list) { this.resultCount = this.movimientos.length; if (this.currentPage >= this.totalPages) { this.currentPage = Math.max(0, this.totalPages - 1); } var index = this.currentPage * this.upperLimit; return this.movimientos.slice(index, index + this.upperLimit); } }And here I'm calculating the number of pages
computed: { totalPages: function() { return Math.ceil(this.resultCount / this.itemsPerPage); } }, methods: { setPage: function(pageNumber) { this.currentPage = pageNumber; console.log(pageNumber); }, <div v-for="pageNumber in totalPages" class="c-paginacao__select"> <a href="#" v-on:click.prevent="setPage(pageNumber)"><span class="active">{{pageNumber+1}}</span></a> </div>How to make a list with datemarks on Vue.js?
Just have such a view:
<div class="items"> <div class="datemark" data-date="1">Today</div> <div class="item" data-date="1">Item 1</div> <div class="item" data-date="1">Item 2</div> <div class="item" data-date="1">Item 3</div> <div class="datemark" data-date="2">Tommorow</div> <div class="item" data-date="2">Item 1</div> <div class="item" data-date="2">Item 2</div> <div class="item" data-date="2">Item 3</div> </div>with such data:
data = { 1: { human: 'Today', date: 1, items: { item1: {...}, item2: {...}, } }, 2: { human: 'Tommorow', date: 2, items: { item1: {...}, item2: {...}, } } }How to make it works and can be sorted desc/asc by datemarks and 'inside' datemarks range if it have different hours and minutes also?
Tried v-for but only simple lists, how with datemarks?
VueJS use v-for variable as attribute value
I have an iterative loop that using v-for on an array of objects that then renders a html li item
<li class="block" v-for="(section, key) in sectionDetails"> <a href="#" tabindex="{{ key }}">Item {{ key }}</a> </li>The problem here is that key in the tabindex attribute is not being rendered, what IS being rendered is {{ key }}.
How can I get the value of key to be used for tabindex?
Async components in Vue2
I’d like to have all my routes to show Navbar and Footer except “Login” route - it should contain ONLY Logins component content.
In App.vue (my root component) I have this:
<template> <router-view v-if="$ === 'Login'"></router-view> <div v-else> <app-nav></app-nav> <div class="container"> <transition name="bounceLeft" mode="out-in" appear> <router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view> </transition> </div> <app-footer></app-footer> </div> </template> <script> export default { components: { 'AppNav': () => import( "@/components/AppNav.vue" ), 'AppFooter': () => import( "@/components/AppFooter.vue" ) } } </script> <style> </style>It works, but as you can see, I want to “lazy load” my AppNav and AppFooter components, so they will be downloaded ONLY when they are needed (when routes name IS NOT ‘Login’). Unfortunately this doesnt work - when I go to Login route, these components are still downloaded from the server.
How can I achieve lazy-loading component in this example?
A Custom vuejs form component
I have already composed the forum post here on Vuejs forum and the explanation is there too. I have developed my solution as far as I could but I am stuck with an issue on this. Need some help here please.
The link to the code is as follows: Custom form component
Section div closing handle z-index
I have a div that has a closing element, i am building it with bootstrap panels, here is the example that i have at the moment:
<div @click.prevent="changeView(value.key)" v-if="value.key != 'Document'" class="panel panel-primary" v-for="(value, key, index) in myList"> <div class="panel-body quote"> <span @click="removeSection(index,key)" class="pull-right glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-info above"></span> <p>{{value.key}}</p> </div> </div>don't worry too much i have some events inside (Vue.js), the main focus is the span element, since i have the span inside (closing element) my issue is that i want to define diferent events for the closing tag, and the div click(section around the closing tag.
Everytime i click the div it opens a edition section(behaviour i want), evertytime i click the closing tag(it deletes my section, and opens a modal with edition - behaviour i don't want).
How can i handle the click behaviour so when i click the closing element it doesn't open the edition modal? A way i thaught was defining the element outside the section but so i don't know what i am deleting, any help?
I tried to use z-index, but i don't know if it is a good way with this.
Algolia price-range when price is in cents
I am using Vue InstantSearch price range and my entries (in algolia) are in cents. The default price-range implementation handles the filtering in decimal (e.g. $10.52), not cents.
I want the user to be able to filter using the decimal format ($10.52) and before the library hits the algolia API, the number to be transformed to cents (1052).
Is there any way to override the code without modifying the file in node_modules?
Vue JS toggle html div class on a button click not working
I am currently learning Vue.js for a project I am busy with. I have been learning through online resources, as well as a Udemy course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Which i'd highly recommend.
I am having an issue building a hamburger menu for practice purposes. I am adding/removing a class on a div which holds my menu content. The adding/removing of the class happens via a button click (my "hamburger").
As far as I can tell through my course and other online sources, including a good few StackOverflow questions, what I have done should work.
Please let me know if you can see any issues, as it isn't working in my codepen. Thanks in advance =)
relevant HTML:
<button v-on:click="isActive = !isActive" class="navigation-hamburger"> <p>-<br>-<br>-</p> </button> <div class="menu-contain" v-bind:class="{ active: isActive}"> <ul> <li><a href="#" class="links">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="links">About</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="links">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div>CSS:
.menu-contain { width: 100%; height: 0px; background-color: #09333C; transition: all 0.5s linear; } .active { width: 100%; height: 300px; background-color: #8BAFB5; text-align: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; transition: all 0.5s linear; }Vue js:
new Vue({ el: '#wrap', data: { isActive: false } });Here is the codepen: