reach vuejs property above v-for
Well, basicly i have a array of items which every item should be rendered in a v-for, this panels has some properties like for example the color, that is the one that is causing me troubles.
I have this code:
<template> <div> <h4 class="text-center">Actions History</h4> <div class="col-md-10"> <div :style="panel.color" class="panel panel-default"> <ul class="list-group"> <li v-for="panel in getPanels" class="list-group-item">A section {{panel.section}} was {{panel.action}}</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <!-- here lives the buttons--> <div class="btn btn-default">Clear All</div> </div> </div> </template>important part:
<div :style="panel.color" class="panel panel-default">the panel.color should be the color of each panel in the list group item, but since the v-for is under it i can't access each element of the list, it is undefined. How can i solve this? is there another way?
suppressing the v-html wrapping tag
Consider the following code. I want to toggle an excerpt and description. The code directly below does that, but it means having the <a> outside of the article, and I would prefer it inside.
<article v-if="!toggle" v-html="item.excerpt"></article> <a href="#" v-if="!toggle" @click.prevent="toggle = 1">Read more...</a> <article v-if="toggle" v-html="item.description"></article> <a href="#" v-if="toggle" @click.prevent="toggle = 0">Show less...</a>It could be rewritten as
<article v-if="!toggle"> <span v-html="item.excerpt"></span> <a href="#" @click.prevent="toggle = 1">Read more...</a> </article> <article v-if="toggle"> <span v-html="item.description"></span> <a href="#" @click.prevent="toggle = 0">Show less...</a> </article>But that would mean the excerpt/description is wrapped with a <span>. Is there a way to use the v-html directive and not output the wrapping tag?
Passing Object to props of child component in Vuejs
I want to pass Object data to a child component in Vue, but when the computed state is invoked the type of prop is String instead of Object. However in the template i can display the first attribute.
Parent component:
<template> <catalog-search-box id="box" :title="$t('parameter')" header-icon-class="fa fa-thermometer-half" :deployed="deployed"> <parameter-search-criteria-content v-bind:model="treeData"></parameter-search-criteria-content> </aeris-catalog-search-box> </template>The script part:
export default { props: { deployed: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, watch: { lang (value) { this.$i18n.locale = value; } }, destroyed: function() { }, created: function () { this.$i18n.locale = this.lang; }, mounted: function() { }, computed: { }, data () { return { lang: 'en', treeData : { name: 'My Tree', children: [ { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'wat' }, { name: 'child folder', children: [ { name: 'child folder', children: [ { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'world' } ] }, { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'wat' }, { name: 'child folder', children: [ { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'Word' } ] } ] } ] } } }The child component :
<template> <li class="parameter-search-criteria-content-host"> <div :class="{bold: isFolder}" @click="toggle" @dblclick="changeType"> {{}} <span v-if="isFolder">[{{open ? '-' : '+'}}]</span> </div> <ul v-show="open" v-if="isFolder"> <parameter-search-criteria-content class="item" v-for="model in model.children" :model="model"> </parameter-search-criteria-content> <li class="add" @click="addChild">+</li> </ul> </li> </template>And in the script, when the computed state is called, it's strange convert model into [Object object] string..
computed: { isFolder: function () { return this.model.children && this.model.children.length }}
in addition, it's a single file component structure; so components are registered in separate elements (Vue.customElement('parameter-search-criteria-content', ParameterCriteriaContent);
Vue.js server side rendering for Koa2?
Is it possible to use Vue.js for server side rendering for Koa2?
Currently this is my setting in my package.json:
"dependencies": { "babel-cli": "^6.24.1", "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1", "ect": "^0.5.9", "koa": "^2.3.0", "koa-combine-routers": "^1.0.0", "koa-router": "^7.2.1", "koa-static": "^4.0.1", "koa-views": "^6.0.2", "mongodb": "^2.2.31" }, "devDependencies": { "mocha": "^3.5.0", "supertest": "^3.0.0" }, "scripts": { "test": "mocha --harmony", "start": "nodemon --exec babel-node --presets es2015 app/index.js" },I am using ect for rendering my templates, e.g. index template:
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Koa</title> <link href="/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <h1 class="text-uppercase">Koa</h1> <p><%- @message %></p> </body> </html>index route:
const index = async(ctx, next) => { const users = ctx.mongo.collection('users') const result = await users.insert({ name: 'haha' }) const userId = result.ops[0]._id.toString() const output = await users.find().toArray() await ctx.render('index', { message: JSON.stringify(output) }); users.remove({_id: new mongo.ObjectID(userId)}) } router.get('/', index) module.exports = routerin my root app.js:
import views from 'koa-views' app.use(views(__dirname + '/views', map: { html: 'ect' // or 'handlebars' }, extension: 'ect' } ))How can I achieve this with Vue?
"Undefined" Group Label in Vue-Multiselect?
I am new to Vue and have improved this code from various tutorials.
However, I am faced with this "Undefined" group name issue here.
<multiselect v-model="value" :options="options" :multiple="true" track-by="name" :hide-selected="true" :custom-label="customLabel" :searchable="false" placeholder="" group-values="details" group-label="groupDivision" > </multiselect>.js:
new Vue({ components: { Multiselect: VueMultiselect.default }, data: { value: { groupDivision: 'Government', name: 'Fish', contact: '' }, options: [ { groupDivision: 'Governemnt', details:[ { name: 'Fish', contact: '' }, { name: 'Police', contact: '' }, { name: 'Society', contact: '' } ] }, { groupDivision: 'Media', details:[ { name: 'BBC', contact: '' }, { name: 'CNN', contact: '' }, { name: 'CBC', contact: '' } ] }, ] }, methods: { customLabel (option) { return `${}` } } }).$mount('#app')I've already set the "group-label" but it still shows "undefined".
Does anyone have idea what the problem? Thanks in advance!
Link to the code:
vue.js best way to update entire array
What is the best way to update the entire observed array and trigger a rerender in vue.js without having to iterate an push all the items?
I have read the documentation here:
But it doesn't make sense to me having to filter, concat or slice just to update the array? There must be something I missed?
TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefined, using Vue with Nodejs
- Create a method in vue, showMessage
- Create an object message: {show : false, text: 'any text'} in the data section
- call showMessage from an HTML element using v-on:click='showMessage'
- In the showMessage function:
- set the value of 'show' to true using = true
- print the value of 'show' using console.log(
What is expected?
The value of 'show' should set to true without any error/warning
What is actually happening?
I get a warning AND an error on the line: = trueas below:
[Vue warn]: Error in render function: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefined" TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefinedHowever, the line console.log( prints correctly
The issue is not re-producible, when the same button is clicked under other circumstances.
The expected behavior is as shown by the jsFiddle, but I dont see any error running it.
Vue Version: 2.4.2
Vue change width and content
Depending on whether the user is logged in, I need to adjust the size and content of two divs inside my topbar. So if they aren't logged in it should be like this:
<div id='search' width="400px"></div><div id="login" width="200px"><img></div>And when they're logged in it should be like this:
<div id='search' width="200px"></div><div id="login" width="400px"><div id='somecontent></div><div id='morecontent'></div></div>I know i can achieve this by hardcoding both of them entirely and then using v-if statements but I was wondering if there was a better way.
vue.js computed property not triggered
Vue JS computed property is not triggered With this markup
<!-- language: lang-html --> <p>£{{plant_price}}</p> <div v-if="selected.plant.variations.length > 0 "> <select v-model="selected.plant.selected_variation" class="form-control"> <!-- inline object literal --> <option v-for="(variation, i) in selected.plant.variations" :selected=" == selected.plant.selected_variation ? 'selected' : ''":value=""> {{}} </option> </select> </div> <!-- language: lang-js --> var app = new Vue({ el: '#vueApp', data: { selected: { type: {a: '' , b: ''}, vehicle: '', plant: { } }, computed: { plant_price: function() { if (this.selected.plant.variations.length > 0 ) { var variant = _.find(this.selected.plant.variations, {id: this.selected.plant.selected_variation }); return variant.price; } else { return this.selected.plant.price; } } ...selected.plant is populated via Ajax. I have checked through the debugger, and can see that all the correct properties are available.
selected:Object type:Object vehicle: "Truck" plant:Object id:26 price:"52" regular_price:"100" selected_variation:421 variations:Array[2] 0:Object id:420 name:"small" price:52000 regular_price:52000 1:Object etc...I have a computed property, which should update the plant_price based on the value of selected.plant.selected_variation.
I grab selected.plant.selected_variation and search through the variations to retrieve the price. If no variation exists, then the plant price is given.
When the app loads, I can see that the plant_price is updated. However, it does NOT respond when I change selected.plant.selected_variation - its as if the computed property isn't listening to selected.plant.selected_variation
I must be doing something wrong?
Passing avatar link into vue js component but failed
I am new in vue js. Currently i am trying to passing data into vue js components. So far if i passing user name or other information is working fine. But if i passing the avatar link it will showing error in npm run watch. Any solution for this?
This is my code
<li v-for="comment in comments"> <div class="avatar"><img src="{{ comment.user.avatar }}" alt="" /></div> <div class="comment-content"><div class="arrow-comment"></div> <div class="comment-by">{{ }}<span class="date">22 August 2017</span> <a href="#" class="reply"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> Reply</a> </div> <p>{{ comment.content }}</p> </div> </li>This is the object i get.
Every page in a vue - awesome - swiper component is always lined up, rather than side-by-side, and the original project becomes this
The vue - awesome - swiper Problems with plug-ins
vue.js not working, getting a cannot read property of undefined error
I'm trying to v-model to an array item's property. When I load the page I see "[Vue warn]: Error in render function: 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewFood' of undefined' in the console and a blank page.
this is with vue.js 2.x.
<div id="ai-config"> <div class="info"> <div class="row"> <h1>Resource Points</h1> </div> <div class="row"> <label>Total:</label> <div class="value"> {{maxResourcePoints}} </div> </div> <div class="row"> <label>Remaining:</label> <div class="value"> {{maxResourcePoints - usedResourcePoints}} </div> </div> </div> <div> <table> <tr> <td></td> <td v-for="(option, idx) in options"> {{option.title}} </td> </tr> <tr v-for="n in directions"> <td>Direction {{n}}</td> <td v-for="option in options"> <input type="checkbox", v-model="selected[n][option.key]" /> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div>javascript
new Vue ({ el: '#ai-config', data: { maxResourcePoints: 10, usedResourcePoints: 0, selected: [], directions: 8, options: [{ title: 'Food', key: 'viewFood', cost: 1 }, { title: 'Water', key: 'viewWater', cost: 1 }, { title: 'Own', key: 'viewOwn', cost: 1 }, { title: 'Other', key: 'viewOther', cost: 1 }] }, methods: { }, created: function () { this.selected = []; for(i=0; i< 8; i++) { this.selected.push({}); } } });Trigger multiple methods on event and pass event variable
Using vue, I am trying to trigger multiple events on a click and pass 'event' variable, so that I can use
I tried this:
<element @click="onSubmit(), onChange()"></element>And in my methods, I tried
methods: { onSubmit(e) { console.log(e) }, onChange(e) { console.log(e) } }Cannot read property 'target' of undefined
What is the proper way of achieving this?
Vue component :key context
In order to work with custom vue components in a v-for binding, the frameworks asks you to specify a key for each component.
The first thing that comes to my mind is using the index as key, i.e.
<MyComponent v-for="(i, data) in list" :key="i"></MyComponent>So far so good, but how will Vue handle something like
<MyComponent v-for="(i, data) in list" :key="i"></MyComponent> <MyComponent v-for="(i, data) in list" :key="i"></MyComponent>Do I need to keep track of making keys unique globally for all my MyComponent components? I.e. :key="i + 'scope1'", :key="i + 'scope2'" etc.
TL;DR: Will Vue mix up two components with the same key? Is it enough to make the keys unique for each loop context?
How to pass data from one view to another with the vue-router
When using the vue-router with .vue files, there is no documented way to pass data from one view/component to another.
Let's take the following setup...
import Vue from 'vue'; import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; Vue.use(VueRouter); let routes = [ { path: '/page1', component: require('./views/Posts.vue') }, { path: '/page2', component: require('./views/EditPost.vue') } ]; let router = new VueRouter({ routes }); new Vue({ el: '#main', router });Posts.vue:
<template> <div> Posts.vue passing the ID to EditPost.vue: {{ postId }} </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { allPostsHere: // Whatever... } } } </script>EditPost.vue:
<template> <div> EditPost.vue received ID from Posts.vue: {{ receivedId }} </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { receivedId: // This is where I need the ID from Posts.vue } } } </script>Please note: It is not possible to receive the ID directly from the EditPost.vue, because it has to be selected from Posts.vue.
Question: How can I pass the ID from one view/component to the other?
How to add dynamiclly VueJS component to packery?
Hi I got a problem with packery.
Based on this solution
I have every grid-item as a component and then in app.js (main file) im initializing packery based on example given.
var pckry = new Packery(container, { itemSelector: '.grid-item', columnWidth: '.grid-sizer', });I want now to handle turn on/off components and then making them draggabilly and bind/unbind to packery. But the problem is I cant make packery as an attrbute of vue object and just make this.pckry.getShiftPositions() (based on example:
pckry.on( 'dragItemPositioned', function() { // save drag positions var positions = pckry.getShiftPositions( 'data-item-id' ); localStorage.setItem( 'dragPositions', JSON.stringify( positions ) ); });The problem is with handling instance of packery object I guess. its just not working.
this.pckry.on( 'dragItemPositioned', function() { // save drag positions var positions = this.pckry.getShiftPositions( 'data-item-id' ); localStorage.setItem( 'dragPositions', JSON.stringify( positions ) ); });Doesnt actually work. When im making it as
this.pckry = newPackery(...);How can I actually handle that?
How to dynamically create a new div using v-for in Vue.js?
I want to create div's dynamically based on the number of elements present in an array. The div's contain the html element created by ProgressBar.js.
This the Vue.js code
import ProgressBar from 'progressbar.js' var bar; export default { data() { return { fitness: ['Dietary Intake', 'Exercise'], val: 0.65 } }, mounted(){ this.showProgressBar(this.val); }, created: function() { }, methods:{ showProgressBar: function(val){ new ProgressBar.Circle('#container',{ trailColor: 'gainsboro', trailWidth: 20, color: 'teal', strokeWidth: 20 }).animate(val); } } } <div class="content" v-for="fitness in fitness"> <span>{{ fitness }}</span> <div id="container"></div> </div> I am trying to get done something like this,
Since an id is associated with only one div, I am not able to execute a new ProgressBar.Circle object that would create another div. Is there a way to dynamically create a new div with different a id inside the v-for every time the new is executed? Can somenone please help me out here?
Vuejs transition on table rows
I'm tring to have an transition (animation) on html table row with vue.js with no success here the full example
here the basic html table :
<div class="container-fluid" id="data"> <br> <br> <table border="1" class="table table-bordered"> <thead class="thead-inverse"> <tr> <th>anim</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <template v-for="item, k in items"> <tr> <td><button @click="item.more = !item.more" type="button" v-bind:class="[item.more ? 'btn-danger' : 'btn-primary']" class="btn">Click /!\</button></td> </tr> <transition name="fade" > <tr v-bind:key="item" v-if="item.more"> <td><p >{{k + 1}} - {{}}</p></td> </tr> </transition> </template> </tbody> </table> </div>the css for the transition:
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active { transition: opacity 2s } .fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */ { opacity: 0 }the vuejs code:
(function () { new Vue({ el: '#data', data: { items: [ { data: 'd1', more: false }, { data: 'd2', more: false }, ] } }); })();what i'm doing wrong ?
Nested array loop in vue?
How would I loop a JSON object like the one below with v-for? I want to loop all ID's/Numbers, and all items in inside each number, and display it all in a list... I know I can loop all system_events easily using v-for="item in system_events" But how do I loop all different ID's/Numbers, and all items inside ?
My JSON looks like:
{ "system_events": { "1013": [{ "id": 25899, "timestamp": "2017-08-15T21:26:42Z", "type": "alarm", "code": 190, "title": "", "description": "", "appeared": "2017-08-15T21:26:40Z", "disappeared": null, "acknowlegded": null, "solved": null, "system_name": "Randers pr 44b sidste station" }, { "id": 26157, "timestamp": "2017-08-15T21:32:17Z", "type": "alarm", "code": 190, "title": "", "description": "", "appeared": "2017-08-15T21:32:06Z", "disappeared": null, "acknowlegded": null, "solved": null, "system_name": "Randers pr 44b sidste station" } ], "1015": [{ "id": 23777, "timestamp": "2017-08-15T20:38:08Z", "type": "alarm", "code": 191, "title": "", "description": "", "appeared": "2017-08-15T20:38:00Z", "disappeared": null, "acknowlegded": null, "solved": null, "system_name": "Favrskov Svenstrup gyvelvej" }, { "id": 23779, "timestamp": "2017-08-15T20:38:08Z", "type": "alarm", "code": 190, "title": "", "description": "", "appeared": "2017-08-15T20:37:58Z", "disappeared": null, "acknowlegded": null, "solved": null, "system_name": "Favrskov Svenstrup gyvelvej" } ] } }Calling a new Vue on router-view to display a list
I am trying to write a simple single page application with Vue to gain an understanding of it's capabilities. This simple application will display a list of acronyms, then the user can click a link and be given details about that acronym. I am using vue-router to manage the routes. My basic app div is like below:
<div id="app"> <h1>Hello App!</h1> <p> <router-link to="/">Home</router-link> <router-link to="/acronyms">All Acronyms</router-link> </p> <router-view></router-view> </div>I first create a template to list all the acronyms:
const AllAcronyms = {template: '<div><ul id="all-acronyms"><li v-for="acronym in acronyms">{{ }} - {{acronym.abbreviation}}</li></ul></div>' };Then I create the router, routes, and the Vue:
var routes = [ { path: '/acronyms', component: AllAcronyms } ]; var router = new VueRouter({ routes: routes }); var view = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { acronyms: [ { id: 1, abbreviation: "ABC" }, { id: 2, abbreviation: "DEF" }, { id: 3, abbreviation: "GHI" } ] }, router: router });It tells me that "acronyms" is undefined. Is there a way to use the v-for directive on a router view by passing the data to that route, or to create a new Vue object on the "all-acronyms" unordered list when the route is called? What is the best way to go about this?