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most recent 30 from 2017-09-14T21:10:11Z
Updated: 7 years 3 months ago

JavaScript: Promise on recursion

Thu, 2017-09-07 12:37

I got something like this:

methods: { process: function process(id) { this.$'controller/process', { id: id }).then(function (res) { if ( > 0) { this.process(id); } else { return true; } }, function (data) { this.$notify(data, 'danger'); this.progress = false; }); }, run: function run($id) { this.busy = true; this.process($id); this.busy = false; } },

Alright - this is some JavaScript using Vue.js and vue-resource to do am API call (process). The API returns the number of elements to be processed. If this number is > 0, the function should be executed again. This works fine.

Now I would like to solve the following:

Executing the run function should set this.busy = true. After the function process is done processing all items, this.busy should be set to false.

So I read something about promises - but I still don't get how I could use them in this case.

Categories: Software

Disable the default in props in production in vue js

Thu, 2017-09-07 12:06

Below is my code.

props: { year: { default: 2016, type: Number } }

I have used the default value to see the mock but now How can I disable the default value when in production?

Categories: Software

Watching in vue cann't work in some case

Thu, 2017-09-07 12:02

I used transition in vue by watching current value in vuex making 'alertTip' component to achieve fade-in and fade-out animation,but sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn't work,when value changed and the function in watch dosen't work,the 'tips' cann't disappeared and show all the time.

How to resolve this problem? If there has other method to achieve fade-in and fade-out animation without jQuery

here is the code of the 'alertTip' component:

<template> <transition name="slide-fade"> <div class="info-log" v-if=""> <img src="../assets/success-icon.png" alt="success-icon" v-if="alertInfo.success"> <img src="../assets/error-icon.png" alt="success-icon" v-else> <span class="info-text">{{alertInfo.alertText}}</span> </div> </transition> </template> <script> import {mapGetters, mapActions} from 'vuex' export default { data () { return { value: '' } }, props: [], mounted () { }, methods: { ...mapActions('global', [ '_ChangeAlertInfo' ]), showTip () { let self = this = ! setTimeout(function () { = ! }, 1300) } }, computed: { ...mapGetters('global', [ 'alertInfo' ]) }, watch: { '': { deep: true, handler (curVal, oldVal) { let self = this setTimeout(function () { self._ChangeAlertInfo({ 'show': false }) }, 1300) } } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .slide-fade-enter-active { transition: all .5s ease; } .slide-fade-leave-active { transition: all .8s cubic-bezier(1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0); } .slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-active { opacity: 0; } .info-log { position: fixed; top: 40%; left: 50%; z-index: 1111; margin-left: -92px; min-width: 184px; height: 60px; border-radius: 5px; padding-top: 20px; text-align: center; color: #FFF; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); /* IE8 */ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#7f000000,endColorstr=#7f000000); .info-text { vertical-align: top; } } </style>
Categories: Software

input field prefilled with vuejs and a reactive character count

Thu, 2017-09-07 11:48

As a vuejs component, I want to be able to display a character counter next to my input field. The field is initially set up using a prop (this.initialValue).

When the method this.updateCounter is called the input textfield is blocked : typing into the field won't update its value. If I don't set the maxlength prop, the field is working fine : I can update the textfield.

Usage in a template :

<textfield maxlength="50" name="title" initialValue="Test"></textfield>

Here is the component code :

<template> <div class="input"> <div class="input__field"> <span class="input__limit f--small">{{ counter }}</span> <input type="text" :name="name" :maxlength="computedMaxlength" v-model="currentValue" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'Textfield', props: { name: { default: '' }, maxlength: { default: 0 }, initialValue: { default: '' } }, computed: { hasMaxlength: function () { return this.maxlength > 0; }, computedMaxlength: function () { if(this.hasMaxlength) return this.maxlength; else return false; }, currentValue: { get: function() { return this.initialValue; }, set: function(newValue) { this.updateCounter(newValue); this.$emit("change", newValue); } } }, data: function () { return { counter: 0 } }, methods: { updateCounter: function (newValue) { if(this.maxlength > 0) this.counter = this.maxlength - newValue.length; } }, mounted: function() { this.updateCounter(this.initialValue); } } </script>
Categories: Software

Why is this array not empty?

Thu, 2017-09-07 11:46

I trying to show a message in an array is empty in a filter method in Vue. However, it seems my computed function still returns an array of empty object (If I search for something not there)

What I wish is that it only returns the object that actually has a value - the empty ones should be filtered out?

So if I search for "fjhdsfjsdfjsd" ex, it still return about 200 items, just empty objects, which it shouldnt?

The computed function looks like:

filteredAlarms: function () { let filter = {}; let searchString = this.search_string.toLowerCase(); Object.keys(this.eventLog).forEach(key => { filter[key] = this.eventLog[key].filter(item => { let systemName = item.system_name.toLowerCase(); if(item.type.includes("alarm") && systemName.includes(searchString)) { return item; } }); }); return filter },
Categories: Software

My POST ajax request returns 302 on a Laravel Controller

Thu, 2017-09-07 10:47

I send a POST Ajax request to a Laravel Controller but I get a 302 Found response code.

The controller is the ForgotPasswordController provided by Laravel's Auth package, so nothing special about it.

It has the guest middleware in its constructor and I found that if I remove this middleware from the constructor, the Ajax request works correctly (it returns a 200 response code).

The Ajax request has the X-CSRF-TOKEN and X-XSRF-TOKEN headers, so I don't think there is something missing.

I'm sending this Ajax request from a VueJS password reset form with the Axios library.

Why my POST request does not work if the controller has the guest middleware ?

Thanks !

Here are the headers sent with the request :

POST /password/email HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 37 Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Origin: X-XSRF-TOKEN: eyJpdiI6IjRqTk1yTXFsXC9FVlRzckF0dUM4azdRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IjY0MUZzaEpCTXJDcUhzUGhcL2dzYVJmalQrR3pwV3IzYWxiTSt4dVwvN2VVKzJ4b2t3XC9GcVhJcllmK3pQYVV4VGFIZG4wZ0s3NlNCTG01WEl6YzBCY2NRPT0iLCJtYWMiOiIwYmNjOTRiZGJjZTM2YjYyMWJiMzRhNTlkOTkwOWU4Y2M4NmYzYzI5NjhiMTU4MDdiMGJkMmJhYmMwODEzMDhjIn0= X-CSRF-TOKEN: nejsetydvFWgeqppZc5XQtX04b5AdXlsTKSgaydj User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json, text/plain, / X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Referer: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4 Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6IjRqTk1yTXFsXC9FVlRzckF0dUM4azdRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IjY0MUZzaEpCTXJDcUhzUGhcL2dzYVJmalQrR3pwV3IzYWxiTSt4dVwvN2VVKzJ4b2t3XC9GcVhJcllmK3pQYVV4VGFIZG4wZ0s3NlNCTG01WEl6YzBCY2NRPT0iLCJtYWMiOiIwYmNjOTRiZGJjZTM2YjYyMWJiMzRhNTlkOTkwOWU4Y2M4NmYzYzI5NjhiMTU4MDdiMGJkMmJhYmMwODEzMDhjIn0%3D; laravel_session=eyJpdiI6IkJnczRHV3NcLzhLbzZWaUlvTTI2cFlBPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkpQYytLXC9pQ1R3MTZlaEx2QWJ4bGpSd21BV25jelJKVDJkQVdcL25GSG4rQkpQc1duZHIrTjErOGt3bk5BVVVcL3FTK1c2XC83Y1NqTmxBaVZ1bkQ2TWV5Zz09IiwibWFjIjoiNzg4Y2UyNWQ0ODcxMWNkNWE3MmU4ZDY1MmIyNTE0NDgwMzFmM2ZjYzkxMzM5ZGM5ZTk5MDI4NjE4OGRkNmJjYyJ9

Categories: Software

webpack vue compiler in 1 file in .net mvc5 environment

Thu, 2017-09-07 10:46

I have a MVC5 .Net solution wich is using Vue.js and webpack to compile. on the early days of the project someone decided to compile the .vue in separated .js files. But now with over 20 .vue files, it's a pain. My question is:

How can I transform this webpack config to compile it in a single .js file?

const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); // build an object that looks like // { // "filename": "./filename.vue" // } // to list the entry points for webpack to compile. function buildEntry() { const reducer = (entry, file) => { entry[file.split(".").shift()] = `./Vue/${file}`; return entry; }; return fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, "Vue")) .filter(file => file.endsWith(".vue")) .reduce(reducer, {}); } module.exports = { entry: buildEntry(), output: { path: path.join(__dirname, "Vue"), filename: "[name].js", library: "[name]" }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.vue$/, loader: 'vue-loader' }, ], } }
Categories: Software

How to apply more than one conditional style to elements

Thu, 2017-09-07 10:36

I have a div that looks like this

<div v-for="person in people"> <p class='name' :class="{people.age == "adult" : 'green'}"></p> </div>

I can change the class like that, but I have many age groups (around 8) and I am not sure how this can be done, without putting 8 logical arguments inside the element

Categories: Software

VueJS get data as object

Thu, 2017-09-07 10:22

Here is a VueJS component:

<template> <a @click="log">click me<a> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { a: "a", b: "something", foo: { bar: "baz" }, // etc. } }, methods: { log() { // console.log( data ); // ??? } } } </script>

I want to access the data from the log function and get it as an object (just like in its declaration). I know I can get data like this :

log() { console.log( this.a ); console.log( this.b ); console.log( ); }

But what I want is the whole data as an object (because I want to send the data via an event to a parent component).

Is there a way to get the whole data object inside a method of a component?

Categories: Software

How to detect if a website can be embedded as iframe (SAMEORIGIN)

Thu, 2017-09-07 10:17

What's a way to detect whether a website can be embedded or not because of the same-origin policy?

I have tried way to detect this but failed. I only found old method. But none of them work now.

Categories: Software

V-select bug while selecting elements in Vuejs

Thu, 2017-09-07 08:34

I'm building a small application in vuejs 2 where I'm using v-select package for select box, Problem I'm facing is:

I've declared v-select in my component something like this:

<div class="form-group"><label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Company name:</label> <div class="col-sm-6"> <v-select :options="companyOptions" v-model="company_name" :on-search="getOptions" placeholder="Company name"></v-select> </div> </div>

So accordingly I'm having data defined as company_name, and I'm calling an axios event to get the searchable data, while the component is being loaded I'm calling index data of first 50 set for initial selection and if anybody types then I'm calling a function getOptions to get data related to the input, now suppose if somebody selects any data and then removes it again from the selection and again search with key press event the searchable data is not displayed, I can see that my axios call is working fine and I'm able to get the relevant data. but it is not displaying in dropdown as it says:

Error in render function: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'label' of null"

Which is coming from the company_name model which was selected. Following is my code in codepen

In this my axios is not working as it says mixed content:' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

So I'm unable to explain properly in this code set. But my code looks same as declared in codepen.

Help me out in this.

Categories: Software

Select Multiple on V-Model Object Interaction

Thu, 2017-09-07 08:32

VueJS input Validation Push/Pop to Array

Read the link above first.

I asked this question a moment ago and implemented it in a select multiple input instead of a normal select.

The v-model I used is inside an object, let's say form.username instead of form.username.

If I select multiple usernames, the data inside the form.username doesn't get updated, I think it doesn't recognize it as an array.

But instead, if I add a name and an opening and closing bracket after it in the input, let's say , it works.

Not sure if this is intended, just asking here for reference.

Categories: Software

Creating Vue Search Bar | How to hide/show data based on input?

Thu, 2017-09-07 07:38

I am creating a dynamic search bar that will filter a sidebar full of names based on user input. However, I am having trouble temporarily hiding and showing data based on the search bar's value on keyup. What is the best way to achieve this the "Vue way"?

On keyup, I want to filter through all of the this.people data and only show names that contain the value of the search input.

Below is what my code looks like

Vue.component('sidebar',{ props: ['people', 'tables'], data: () => { return { fullName: '' } }, computed: { computed() { return [this.people, this.tables].join() } }, template: ` <div id="sidebarContain" v-if="this.people"> <input id="sidebar-search" type="text" placeholder="Search..." @keydown="searchQuery"> <select id="sidebar-select" @change="sidebarChanged"> <option value="AZ">A-Z</option> <option value="ZA">Z-A</option> <option value="notAtTable">No Table</option> <option value="Dean's Guest">Dean's Guest</option> <option value="BOO | VIP">BOO | VIP</option> </select> <div v-for="person in people" :class="[{'checked-in': isCheckedIn(person)}, 'person']" :id="" :style="calcRegColor(person)"> <span v-if="person.table_name">{{person.first_name + ' ' + person.last_name + ' - ' + person.table_name}}</span> <span v-else>{{person.first_name + ' ' + person.last_name}}</span> </div> </div> `, methods: { isCheckedIn(person) { return person.reg_scan == null ? true : false; }, isHidden(person) { console.log("here"); }, calcRegColor(person) { switch(person.registration_type) { case "Dean's Guest" : return { color: 'purple' } break; case "BOO | VIP" : return { color: 'brown' } break; case "Student" : return { color: 'green' } break; case "Faculty": case "Staff": return { color: 'blue' } break; case "Alumni Club Leader": return { color: 'gold' } break; case "Table Guest" : return { color: 'pink' } break; default: return { color: 'black' } } } }, watch: { computed() { console.log("People and Tables Available"); } } }); var app = new Vue({ el: '#main', data: { tables: {}, people: [], currentAlerts: [], lastDismissed: [] }, methods: { loadTables() { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: base_url + 'users/getTableAssignments/' + event_id }).done(data => { this.tables = data; }); }, loadPeople() { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: base_url + 'users/getParticipants2/' + event_id }).done(data => { this.people = data; this.sortSidebar(this.people); }); }, loadCurrentAlerts() { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: base_url + 'alerts/getAlerts/' + event_id }).done(data => { this.currentAlerts = data; }); }, loadLastDismissed(num = 15) { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: base_url + 'alerts/getLastDismissed/' + event_id + '/' + num }).done(data => { this.lastDismissed = data; }); }, setRefresh() { setInterval(() => { console.log("Getting People and Tables"); this.loadPeople(); this.loadTables(); }, 100000); }, makeTablesDraggable() { $(document).on("mouseenter", '.table', function(e){ var item = $(this); //check if the item is already draggable if (!'.ui-draggable')) { //make the item draggable item.draggable({ start: (event, ui) => { console.log($(this)); } }); } }); }, makePeopleDraggable() { $(document).on("mouseenter", '.person', function(e){ var item = $(this); //check if the item is already draggable if (!'.ui-draggable')) { //make the item draggable item.draggable({ appendTo: 'body', containment: 'window', scroll: false, helper: 'clone', start: (event, ui) => { console.log($(this)); } }); } }); } makeDroppable() { $(document).on("mouseenter", ".dropzone, .table", function(e) { $(this).droppable({ drop: function(ev, ui) { console.log("Dropped in dropzone"); } }); }); } }, mounted() { this.loadTables(); this.loadPeople(); this.loadCurrentAlerts(); this.loadLastDismissed(); this.setRefresh(); this.makeTablesDraggable(); this.makePeopleDraggable(); this.makeDroppable(); } <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <div id="app"> <sidebar :people="people" :tables="tables"></sidebar> </div>

Categories: Software

Adding VueJS attributes to @Html.EditorFor using Razor

Thu, 2017-09-07 06:48

I am trying add some VueJS to some existing pages that use Razor syntax.

On this specific page, there is a form that uses the @Html.EditorFor helpers.

I am trying to add a Vue model to this, which works by adding the v-model attribute to an element.

To do this, I tried adding it like so:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.IsVirtualSubAccount, new { htmlAttributes = new { v_model="isVirtualSubAccount" } })

However the v-model is not actually being rendered. The rest of the element comes out fine - in this case it is a checkbox and it appears as normal.

To test this further I added a data-test attribute like so:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.IsVirtualSubAccount, new { htmlAttributes = new { data_test="renderthis", v_model="isVirtualSubAccount" } })

The data-test="renderthis", comes out fine - but I am still missing the v-model:

<input data-test="renderthis" id="IsVirtualSubAccount" name="IsVirtualSubAccount" type="checkbox" value="true" class="check-box">

Why is the @Html.EditorFor helper not rendering my Vue syntax?

Categories: Software

VueJS input Validation Push/Pop to Array

Thu, 2017-09-07 05:21

How can I add items to the hasErrors array if the input username or password are empty and remove them if the input are not empty so that the disabled class on the submit button is dynamically enabled/disabled?

<form> <input type="username" v-model="username"> <input type="password" v-model="password"> <input type="submit" :disabled="hasErrors.length > 0"> </form> <script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { username = '', password = '', hasErrors: [] } }); </script>
Categories: Software

Vue Router Linking Children from Children

Thu, 2017-09-07 04:23

I am currently trying to get this thing working with Vue Router.

The goal is: If Nav#1 is clicked, a Component which includes another Router-Link with SubNav#1 preselected should appear.

I could get it to work in the way that if you click Nav#1, the Component with SubNav#1 with an already active class appeared. The problem is that the active class from Nav#1 is removed and it is not possible to navigate to Nav#2 or N#3. If I click on the Router-Link from Nav#2 or #3 nothing happens...


{ path: '/app', component: App, children: [ { path: 'Nav#1', component: Nav#1_Content, children: [ { path: 'SubNav#1', component: SubNav#1_Content}, { path: 'SubNav#2', component: SubNav#2_Content} ]}, { path: 'Nav#2', component: Nav#2_Content}, { path: 'Nav#3', component: Nav#3_Content}, ]}

+ custom linkActiveClass in new VueRouter instance.

Nav component:

<router-link to="Nav#1/SubNav#1">Nav #1</router-link> <router-link to="Nav#2">Nav #2</router-link> <router-link to="Nav#3">Nav #3</router-link>

Nav#1_Content component:

<template> <div> <nav> <router-link to="SubNav#1" tag="div">SubNav#1</router-link> <router-link to="SubNav#2" tag="div">SubNav#2</router-link> </nav> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template>

enter image description here

Categories: Software

im using $http.get to get a piece of data, but it gives me an error, im using VueJs

Thu, 2017-09-07 03:50

im trying to console.log the response but it gives me an error, i dont know why here is my Script

new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { response:[] }, methods: { get(){ this .$http .get('{%22e%22:{%22$lt%22:0.1},%22i%22:{%22$lt%22:4},%22a%22:{%22$lt%22:1.5}}&limit=10') .then(function(response) { console.log(response); }) } } });

my html for the trigger

<div id="app"> <button @click="get">GET</button> </div>

the error in the console says GET: 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR)

XMLHttpRequest cannot load{%22e%22:,%22i%22:,%22a%22:}&limit=10. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 500.

Pls Help Thanks

Categories: Software

Vue js image selectable

Thu, 2017-09-07 00:25

I'm looking to make the img tag selectable. I mean to obtain a boolean value true/false if the photo it's selected or deselected. Any ideas?

<h2 class="headline mb-2 text-xs-center">Choose your hero:</h2> <v-layout row wrap primary-title v-for="hero in heroes" :key=""> <v-flex xs6> <v-avatar size="80px" class="grey lighten-1"> <img v-bind:src="`${hero.href}`" alt="avatar"> </v-avatar> </v-flex> <v-flex xs6 class="text-xs-right"> <v-subheader>{{}}€</v-subheader> </v-flex> </v-layout> </v-card> </template> <script> export default { data: () => ({ bases: [{ id: 1, name: "Spiderman", href: "../../static/spiderman.jpg" }, { id: 2, name: "Batman", href: "../../static/batman.jpg" }] }) } </script>
Categories: Software

How can I pass Vuex data to app components as data?

Thu, 2017-09-07 00:13

I know that I can access state of the app from within the components in the app but that means the component is not universal/standalone and it relies on the parent's data/state structure and I think that is wrong.

So I am wondering if I can somehow pass a selected part of the state, that the component represents, to the component as it's data(props?) without the component knowing it comes for the parent state and when the data is updated by the component the app'đ state will reflect this.

So for example if my app's state has data with with 'fields' and each of its values represent a form text field I would build a loop for each of them to create input components and pass/connect data from this 'fields' item into the component. The comonent has no idea where the data comes from or that it represents only a small portion of the whole app. The component only handles the data in its own context.

Categories: Software

post request using axios on Laravel 5.5

Thu, 2017-09-07 00:03

i'm trying to make some requests using axios and the last Laravel version 5.5 after configure the X-CSRF fields and all my code is simple :'/post-contact',{name:'Kamal Abounaim'}) .then((response)=>{ console.log(response) }).catch((error)=>{ console.log( })

but i get this error : 419 (unknown status) what the problem supposed to be Thanks for answering

Categories: Software
